I meet a lot of new people in my line of work. Usually this begins with an introduction and a handshake. I've noticed that anytime someone (usually men) shakes my hand, they try to crush it as a show of... I don't know, dominance?

I have a lingering knuckle injury on my right hand so any time this happens it really fucking hurts! But when you meet someone for the first time it's going to be awkward if it goes like "hi nice to meet you, I'm - OWW WHAT THE HELL MAN?!"

You don't need to crush someone's hand when you introduce yourself. It's a handshake, not an arm wrestle.

Edit: I don't give a "dead fish", "limp noodle", or "dainty" hand shake. I'm a big guy with big hands and I give a solid handshake.

For everyone saying they prefer their hand be crushed rather than shake hands with a dead fish, good for you. I hope it hurts.