I was browsing the "Top" section and there was a post about some girl on Twitter who "could smell when men masturbated less than a week ago" (Bullshit of course) But what surprised me the most, was the thousands of comments of men saying "If you don't masturbate daily, you're either asexual, or lying" Or stuff like that.

And it's like, no, lmao. I work, I talk and play with my pets and family members, I do things that I enjoy like going to the gym, going out on my bike, hangout with friends, etc, and I can go for 1 or 2 weeks without masturbating to porn. When I have a gf I can even go for months without masturbating if we have sex regularly.

So, why are Redditors such masturbation and porn avid fans? Why don't they believe me when I say I can go for months without fapping?

PS: I'm not saying fapping is bad btw, it's just not the main thing in my life.