My son’s friends are that age bracket and it’s so weird that now at this age for me they might be cute but they still look like kids. When I was that age I felt so grown up and thought the people I was with were too but now they all just look so young. I wouldn’t even use the word attractive. I might say oh he’s a good looking kid or she’s really pretty or cute and even more than that some of them really know how to dress cool (I always loved alternative styles) and put on make up so much better. The make up thing trips me out. Both girls and boys are so amazing at it now it’s like they’re all mini make up artists.

It’s sad when a person can’t even be honest when there’s absolutely nothing wrong with their beginning story. They shouldn’t have to lie they, he did nothing wrong.

So you’re completely disregarding what op is saying. Yes he was a student teacher at her school but barely paid attention to her, he was to involved in school. She remembered him when she got to do her student teaching and asked him out so many years later. There was zero interactions in between. How can you groom someone with no interaction? What other people are involved? The drama creating cousin? Or the parents he asked to please back up his story?

It’s called exhibitionist and he’s a pervert. I’m sure that’s what that therapists were really saying.

It’s not Biden vs Trump it’s our country moving forward with democracy or reverting to a conservative white Christian nationalist nation the likes of nazi Germany with zero tolerance. Vote party not the person

Walking has turned into my nightmare. Reoccurring plantar fasciitis, torn tendons, 2 sprained ankles, a broken toe, 2 seperate cast up to my knee, 2 walking boots and that’s all been since May 2023. My husband wants to wrap me in bubble wrap before we go out lol.

I’ve never used her make up but she has the best smudge proof tubing mascara. Every other mascara I’ve ever used makes me look like a raccoon.

If this is true, why do you even want them in your life?

Exactly, they should get the master bedroom and mom and dad take one of the smaller rooms.

Oh ya you’re the fucking asshole for sure. First of all you asked. Secondly she was probably not attracted to you because of the depression not the way you looked. Third she still loved you through all of it. Fourth you went through therapy and it obviously didn’t work or they would have made you see some fucking sense. Fifth now some new ass comes along is what the real reason is you don’t love your wife….stop lying to yourself.

Really really shitty of your mom to call you on your vacation. There was nothing you could do for her and you said you have a big family and it sounds like they knew too. She should or could have waited to talk to you until you came home. Parents that treat their kids like their therapists or worse therapy animals really bother me. She’s still being a shitty parent by expecting you to toe the line and act like all is forgiven. You are a separate person a separate identity. Next time she tries to talk to you tell her no. Set some boundaries. That subject is off the table for the time being and when AND IF your ready you will let them know and she needs to respect that if she wants to stay in your life. She chose to stay with your dad, you don’t have to. If you’re willing and able maybe think about therapy to navigate all these feelings and how to deal with your family and their pressures. Good luck. Remember it’s ok to say no, even to family.

Are you saying your friends think Mads Mikkelsen is gross? I love me some Mads but no one I know thinks he’s gross, but they do laugh when I say I have a crush on JACK BLACK

I use to vomit a lot when I was younger, now first sign of nausea I pop a phenegren. I actually am able to cut them in half if I catch it quickly so I’m not super sleepy. There’s other newer anti nausea medecine that doesn’t make you sleepy at all I just prefer my old school phenegren as it also really works well with the Imitrex.

Just an alternative but if other family can’t or won’t and you have the finances which it sounds as if you do. Get a bigger place and get a full time nanny. You will still be able to keep your work schedule and your boyfriend. The kids will be with you and safe and you will still be the cool aunt who gets to take them out for ice cream when you’re available. I would also talk to grandparents about having kids one weekend day if they live close by.

I definitely agree with your daughter keeping her room but the baby in the basement so far away from mom and dad. Ummmm no, just no way does that sound logical or appealing to me as a mom At All. Fix the basement for the boys and keep the baby close to you.

KVD has some kickass tubing mascara that doesn’t smudge. Anastasia of Beverly Hills concealer. Smashbox Halo spf tinted moisturizer, bite beauty lip crayons. But I found I really love the elf spf clear primer $13 it works just as well as super goop $36. I try as much as possible to buy cruelty free.

It’s so amazing to me how many different types of migraine sufferers there are, I for the life of me can’t even look at a screen, phone, tablet or even tv when I have a migraine I would literally vomit and have lol. The most I can do if it’s not to excruciating is a kindle paperwhite.

Avocado inspections in Michoacan are suspended until security issues are resolved. Authorities in the United States have suspended avocado and mango inspections and shipments from the Mexican state of Michoacan after two employees from the Department of Agriculture were reportedly assaulted and held by assailants. News article from a day or two ago, so yes I would say there are def issues with avocados vegan or otherwise

33k is nothing. It’s barely over $16 an hour. California minimum wage is 16$ an hour. I’m not sure where you live but that’s a huge chunk of your monthly paycheck after taxes. Why would you burden yourself and your boyfriend by giving that much of your earnings away? How are you contributing your rent, bills, food, and car payments if you’re giving so much to your brother? I would be furious if I was your boyfriend. I think you’re letting yourself be taken advantage of by an ungrateful entitled asshole. Your parents are pretty fucked up too. Why is it the women in these scenarios always taking care of their family members? Get a backbone before they bleed you dry. I hope this is rage bait because I seriously don’t understand how as an accountant you actually think you make good money. Girl it’s time to ask for a raise…..and keep it for yourself.

Ugg its worst it’s just caffeine and ergotamine. Personally caffeine just makes my migraines 1000x worse. Really old fashioned thinking, not progressive medicine at all. I would tell your dr. your caffeine sensitive. Get off it asap. Try Imitrex as your next step. I mean there’s many different things to try but Imitrex has generic so it’s generally covered by most insurance now. It’s a good starting off medicine before you have to get into name brand. $$. If you have nausea with your migraines let the dr know and they can prescribe some type of anti nausea medicine. I prefer phenegren it’s kind of old school, but it helps be sleep too. Good luck drs can be a pain is the butt. The more knowledge you have and the more confident you are they hopefully will give you want/need.

You can’t tell your wife who loves you but you can put it on social media blast. Even anonymously I’m sorry I just don’t get it. If you can’t trust your wife you really shouldn’t be having children with this woman. Please get help before you bring children into the world. It’s tragic and needs to be dealt with in some way before you project onto your children or eventually lose your marriage. Secrets breed sickness. Good luck

I love that show! Sometimes they need to edit a bit better things can drag on but as far as physical competitions I love it. Both the challenge and survivor remind of a Christian youth group weekend my friend dragged me to when I was in HS.

Omg I got one that’s so huge I need a step stool to reach inside for the socks and any change. I hate it! I love I can wash the blankets but ya I don’t know what I was thinking. My husband cracks up because I don’t usually use the stool I just kind of dive in head first and dangle in. I’m pretty average height for a woman too.