It's Doi's Night Stalker redesign, don't you know?

Grew up with Gen 6. I'm 21

Onion Graham fanboy

Claire, because she did everything wrong

You might wanna be careful with that one, my guy. You don't want him to show up, do you?

Ah, okay. That's actually really unique and very cool.

I mean, abilities that let fighting types bypass ghost types are nothing new, but making it weak to them as a tradeoff is a very unique, interesting and cool way to finish the type triangle.


Battle -Vengeance for Reclamation-

Demon Haunt I is a very close second though

My top 10 battle themes are:

1: Vengeance for Reclamation

2: M's Revelation

3: Beast of Bloodshed

4: Qadistu

5: Fallen Heaven Exaltation

6: Konohana Sakuya

7: The Adversary

8: No Hypocrisy

9: Bounce and Roll

10: Da'At Vengeance

Since you got Ys and Suikoden on there, I recommend the Trails series


I got some diabolical nefarious plans, and imma need some help for it (by the way, the two images I saved before Glasya-Labolas' seal are Eligor and Andras' seals)

Here's the thing though... Pokémon wouldn't exist without Megami Tensei and Shin Megami Tensei

Dark Pit :31_pitb:

What are your opinions on crack cocaine as a symbol of the illustrious Earl of Lemongrab?

What about Naamah? And why do you have Eisheth Zenunim separated by a comma?

But when I put Yoshitsune, it wouldn't let me. COME ON NOW, I JUST WANNA HAVE A TAPU KOKO NAMED AFTER A JAPANESE WAR GENERAL, BUT NOOOOOOOOO THEY JUST HAD TO GO "Um, AcKsHuAlLy, YoU cAn'T dO tHaT bEcAuSe I rEaD sHiT iN tHe MidDlE aNd ThAt'S a BaD wOrD"

Warning, as this is an Etrian Odyssey OC who is VERY connected to the main plot of EO4 (via headcanons, obviously), there WILL be some spoilers for Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan. YOU. HAVE. BEEN. WARNED.

Takane was orphaned at 4 due to an accident that killed both her parents, and she spent the next 2 years in a VERY abusive orphanage (and I'm talking all 4 types of abuse), but was saved and adopted by an Imperial soldier named Logre when she was 6, and Logre raised her like a loving father. However, when Takane was 9, her very loving adopted father, Logre had to leave on a mission, but . After hearing the news, she enlisted in the Imperial army and became a child soldier of her own volition, quickly becoming the most dangerous Imperial, and gaining the nickname "Galeforce" due to her insane speed, despite wielding a Drive Blade (and Drive Blades are REALLY big and heavy, and they have lots of inner machinery that only adds to the weight). The day after Takane's 16th birthday, she was sent on a mission to raid and wipe out a settlement of Vessels (Vessels are basically really thin forest elves that are immune to poison and think slightly differently from humans (which sounds like a touch of the 'tism to me)), but realized that genocide is wrong when she saw a young 13 year old Vessel stand completely still with pure fear in his eyes, and she instinctively saved him, before turning on her fellow Imperials and killing them in cold blood. After she saved this Vessel, and nursed him back to health, the Vessel introduced himself as Sens, and Takane continued to take care of him and keep him safe in a secluded forest in the Scarlet Pillars, before leaving Sens behind to confront Prince Baldur when Takane turned 18 and Sens turned 15. Predictably, Takane and Baldur got into a heated argument over whether and she attempted to kill him, but she missed and was exiled for attempted regicide. Takane was forced to live on the streets of Tharsis for almost a year, having to sell her body and assassinate politicians just to get by, before finding the Explorer's Guild and enlisting by herself as a Nightseeker. After accepting the mission to find an Iridescent Ore when she was 19, which led to her saving a guild known as the HQReapers from baboons and joining the guild to fill in the vacant spot left by the Dancer that was mauled a baboon. Throughout Takane's time spent with the guild, she and the leader, an 18 year old Landsknecht named Siiva fell in love with eachother, and they had a very healthy and stable relationship where they opened up to eachother (in more ways than one), shared a first kiss, danced, went on dates, and even made love (sadly, due to the abuse Takane suffered when she was 4, only Siiva was a virgin). After the HQReapers (which had consisted of Siiva, Takane, Rickroll, DK, and Nozomi until the Hollow Queen's defeat, where Nozomi left for a different guild in a fit of rage and Sens filled in that vacant spot) finished wrapping up their business around Tharsis, Rickroll and DK went to Etria, while Siiva, Takane and Sens headed for Lemuria, where a Harbinger named Felix and a Medic named Peter joined the guild. However, everything fell apart when the guild faced off against the Wyvern, as Peter got ripped in half, Takane got knocked out and put into a coma, and Siiva gave his life to protect Takane, Sens and Felix. Takane's coma lasted for 2 whole years, and when she woke up, a detective by the name of Gadget informed her of Siiva's death, and she fell into a depression, developed BPD and Imposter Syndrome, and the PTSD she's had since she was 4 returned to the debilitating disorder it once was for her, causing rather volatile traumatic flashbacks. She returned to Tharsis and sought refuge in Mark Grand Court, the office of the Outland Count, where Logre looked after her (Logre actually survived and , but he (Logre and Takane are back on good terms now)) and was basically the only person keeping the now 25 year old Takane from ending her own life at this point. After the rest of the now very sizable HQReapers Guild finally returned to Tharsis, she regrouped with them, including Sens, who had completely changed as a person and mostly forgot what ethics and empathy are, and Sens handed Takane a letter from Siiva's ghost that encouraged her to move on from him and find someone like him. Thankfully, Takane now has a light at the end of the tunnel, whom I shall talk about now. When the guild split up to cover different ground, Takane joined the group bound for Armoroad, where she met a Shogun named Flynn, who is quite similar to Siiva in personality, minus the naiveté. During a mission in Armoroad, Flynn delivered a friendship speech, not knowing about Siiva and his penchant for friendship speeches and Takane's attachment to said friendship speeches. Needless to say, Takane reacted VERY strongly and immediately grabbed Flynn and cried into his shoulder. Flynn was definitely caught off guard, but he allowed her to let out all of those tears. Afterwards, Flynn and Takane started opening up to eachother and going out, and doing all the things that Takane and Siiva used to do, and now slowly but surely, Takane is healing.

So, yeah it ends off on a happy ending, but everything Takane went through to get to this point is just 31 flavors of unfathomably dark

Onion Graham fanboy

I'd say Daybreak is third, considering it has more past references than CS1

Out of these? Chrono Cross.

Excluding these? Baten Kaitos, Xenosaga, Xenoblade, Octopath Traveler, Paper Mario TTYD

Literally the only thing I remember about Nozomi

like a knife through butter.


I Loooove Them Balls

Elizabeth obviously. Superstar Saga AND Dragon Quest?! SIGN ME THE FUCK UP