I would like it if the producers expanded on the magical world in the show. There are certain social aspects of being a teenage wizard the books didn't really dive into - the other clubs Harry didn't belong to - popular music (did they listen to music in the common rooms? Their dorm rooms) activities. I would love to see more of them just hanging out, being teenage wizards, what day to day life is like. I don't think JKR would be great at that since she never really expanded on it much in the books. Frankly most of the stuff she's announced since the books were over seemed more like her trying to get attention then really thinking things through. I think the producers would be smart enough to keep her crazier ideas away from the show. But hopefully we'll see more spells and magical creatures from pottermore on the show then we read in the books.

It would be pretty damn hard to screw up the first episode. Small orphan child enters world of magic is a pretty good hook.

It's hilarious that he's proud of it since Lorelai later mentions the whole thing took less then ten minutes including getting clothes on and off.

Yup - in Buffy vampires heal but it isn't wildly fast. In True Blood however vampires heal pretty instantly once they feed. Different vampire shows pick different levels of vampire abilities.

Advice for those who subscribe to the Captain Awkard School of thought. AFTSCAST for short. Hey, if we could make it ARTS CAST it might actually work. What would the R be? Advice Reddit for Those who Subscribe to the Captain Awkard School of Thought? ARTS CAST. Booya.

Yea, I feel like it could have been the greatest TV show of all time, if they had done it before JKR went totally off the rails. But now I know so many people who won't have anything to do with something she's affected who won't watch it. Heck, when I went to Pride this year I originally grabbed my favorite tote bag to bring, then had to turn around and switch it out because it was my Ravenclaw bag and I didn't want to upset anyone. Liking Harry Potter is controversial these days, and I'm honestly so mad at her for doing that.

Aside from that entire mess - she has also gone off the rails in retroactively making super weird things cannon - like wizards pooping their pants and cleaning them with magic, that I'm not sure I trust her to be heavily involved. It feels like she needs so badly to get attention from fans she will change anything to get the spotlight back and that is not someone who is gonna make good decisions for the franchise.

I'm curious how much more popular ff.net is gonna get today. People are desperate, but are they THAT desperate?

I think it really depended on how heavy your backpack was. It was 'cool' to wear it one shoulder, but if your locker was far away and you had to haul a bunch of books even the most image obsessed would do two shoulders due to weight. Also it was pretty impossible to ride a bike with it on one shoulder, which is how Pacey got around a lot.

I did a purge recently. Occasionally I realize things are getting ridiculous and make myself admit stuff I'm not gonna finish then bump a bunch over to my even more ridiculous mark for later list.

I've got 16 open right now. More than half with stories I've started and want to finish but not right now, some on searches I've done or people's bookmarks lists, two on stories I'm currently reading.

When I really like a story I will check the authors bookmarks, sometimes they will follow a lot of similar stories or styles and I'll find some really good hidden gems. Hilariously sometimes good authors have terrible taste and it will be worthless, but I find it worth it to look more times than not.

If something I like is in a collection I will check out the collection (or collections) it belongs to.

I thought it was a pretty ensemble cast in the book with most of the story evenly spread between the characters. But I also (and man this is gonna date me) was fairly active on Deviantart in the years after the book came out so was super aware that A&C were the fan favorites. They were on the covers of almost all the versions of the book and I don't think anyone ever considered putting any other characters up there. I thought it was pretty a forgone conclusion that A&C would feature more predominantly in the TV show just because they were the most beloved characters even though it is at odds with the books 'everyone shares page time' motto. I'm also willing to concede that working with child actors is more difficult and that it's reasonable they would cut budget and screen time on the kids.

That being said I was disappointed Adam didn't make his way into season 2 as he was my favorite after A&C and in my interpretation at least he still has his powers but is trying to stay un noticed. I was fine with A&C being the focus, but pushing out ALL the other characters in favor of introducing two new ones, especially two totally ordinary ones, was a big let down for me.

Man, I miss the days when that line wasn't political at all.

The thing about pets + lots of unpacked boxes is it can make it impossible to find all the pet mess because the boxes absorb some of it. You get used to the smell of pee and become nose blind and don't realize some of your boxes have been peed on and that pee just sets into the flooring and it can absolutely ruin the floors forever. A friend of mine had to rip out the cement sub-floor of her patio at her brand new home because the previous owners left some pee soaked boxes out there too long.

Exactly! As soon as they announced the movies I immediately said they weren't gonna work! Every book happens over the course of nine months! No movie is gonna be able to handle that. Its just not the right medium. At the time I even said that HBO was the only one that could manage it, because they were closest at the time.

I could fill it. I'm a baker and have so much specialized baking stuff. Doesn't make it less ugly though. The cabinets I could take but the flooring is painful.

When characters are kissing and have to break apart to breathe. It just makes me go 'has the author never kissed anyone or can the author not breathe through their nose? Is the author a mouth breather?' It totally breaks the scene for me, who holds their breath when they are kissing?

My grandmother was the youngest of nine. She never met her oldest brother because he left home before she was born.

That he didn't even bother to mention the party in the last post! Like it wasn't a consideration or a huge burden he was leaving his wife to deal with alone!

I mean, you would probably be sitting there listening to a large brawl, but same difference.

I want to know if there was a birthday party. Most kids that age will have a party with friends, and I would be deeply upset if my husband left me to handle that alone.

I'm looking forward to playing with my son one day. About what age did people start their kids on it?