The issue is we have too many geriatrics who think the reason their pensions aren't enough is because some Indian bloke personally stopped them from becoming doctors and lawyers.

Instead of you know, an incompetent government who can't manage the economy pissing the money away.

So labour already have more qualified people than the tory sycophants, good to know

Hr exists to protect the company. Just most of the time it's easier and more effective to screw over the little guy than management

The Spanish armada's One was blown up at port One lost their cork factory so they had no drinking water One was blown so off source they landed in france One was able to encircle the british army in Ireland, but refused to talk to the Irish rebels on the other side so booth Spanish and Irish armies got wiped out

And this happened like ten more times, all because the Queen Elizabeth I refused to marry her sisters widow (king Phillip of spain)

Klang Worshipper

Honestly right now the game is very lacking in a need for exploration or extensive combat.

Now in theory that is going to change with the next update/dlc with the addition of end game content.

In the meantime though your best off starting on a planet and launching to space

It means bethesda is making the new metal gear game lol

Brazil. The interior of the nation is pretty much isolated via cliff from the population hubs and natural ports.

This had led to extreme development and total wilderness pretty much bordering eachother

Klang Worshipper

If you have the dlc there's a spotlight turret you can use, alternatively why not have two spotlights, one facing forward, one facing down. That way no matter where your going your in light

I would say it's the effect of having your sole policy be "we need to leave the UK NOW before they take our freedoms" for a couple decades with multiple failed referendums and no overt hostility toward Scottish autonomy.

It might also be impacted by sturgeon promising that this election would be a defacto referendum 3 "we will win this time, pinky promise"

Try having a look at '76 We try to maintain a nice community there

thats because the US economy has largely shifted to service not production.
so now those who own the sock and missile factories get served by those who dont

its not that i love labour, i just hate the conservatives. even now they blame labour for not fixing anything in the last decade... when they havent been in government for the last decade

Its an attempt to make the left look bad, as in its fake and by sharing it you only help it...

is anyone else bewildered that the republicans have officially investigated the entire democrat party and everyone affiliated with that party and the worst the could find is that hunter lied on paper work?

like american politics is well known for being a corrupt cesspool *ahem, supreme court* but apparently the democrats are fine?

Because obsidian was a full on studio working on not only an IP that's been established but having access to hundreds of assets and a virtually identical system to what Bethesda had already made.

That is to say time crunch aside obsidian really had a sweet deal that indies simply can't replicate

You don't keep up to date on military news do you? Since the 2000's America consistently loses wargames against its allies. In particular the aircraft carriers are almost always sunk before the "enemy" is even detected. There are also reports of american generals ending wargames early to prevent a loss.

Point being america has nunbers, europe has quality.

If the US and UK governments of recent years have taught us anything its that "cutting government expenses" only ever means making life harder for the poor and putting so much strain on the left over services that they bearly work.

Prime example? The dreaded IRS. do you know why its always the little guy that gets audited? Its because they have qoutas they have to meet each year or face huge budget cuts and layoffs. And who do you think is easier to investigate, the minimum wage worker who cant afford to drive to an account or the self proclaimed billionaire who uses a small army of lawyers to bury the IRS in so much paperwork they wont see any assets until the next election comes around.

That is a long way to say, anyone who thinks cutting spending is a viable way to fix an economy or society doesnt understand economics beyond supply/demand

What tank/plane template do you use for low supply countries like brazil and russia?

I love how cutting government spending has NEVER helped an economy.

Turns out people kinda need government services like roads, water and police...

And then theres hunter being tried for a crime that is so regularly ignored even the prosecution didnt consider it a crime, for a crime that he pled guilty for yet the judge forced a trial on and for a crime that instead of the regular punishment of a small fine is now being considered for the maximum prison sentence.

America, your justice system is broken.

Issue is the grey beards are extreme pacifists and are downright angry that Ulfric would bloody their holy magic.

The dragon born mostly gets training because they will learn shouts regardless and the greybeards can try and sway the dragon born into a more tempered usage