Yeah but buying a house in those areas is insane. If that’s your point for what it means to be a top earner… it’s the very top. I think like 5% of the population earn 100k or more. And most of those people probably couldn’t afford such a house

Yes that’s most probably the reason. The top half of the tv is only the screen so the bottom half is a lot thicker and more stable. If you carry it sideways, you have to grab the top corners. That’s a lot of weight on the thin screen. Especially when carrying the 77 or 83 one

That amount perfectly highlights your comment. 250k is a shit ton of money in Germany. I’d definitely say anything above 100k is rich here. I get some places in the USA are super expensive but the inflation of what Americans see as wealthy is crazyy

I managed to get the 83 inch one up three stairwells like this. You will be fine

It actually says this on the manual for the LG C3. You aren’t supposed to handle it on its sides. Not sure why they still include it if it’s outdated

Ich denke auch, dass das Medikament alleine nicht die gesamten Essgewohnheiten ändern kann aber es würde mich nicht wundern wenn es zumindest bei manchen Leuten eine langfristig positive Auswirkung hat.

Und insbesonders wenn Leute sowieso an ihren problematischen Essverhalten arbeiren, denke ich das solche Medikamente gut als Unterstützung dienen können.

Da hast du schon recht aber es gibt schon noch paar andere Faktoren. Menschen sind gewohnheitstiere und so ein Medikament kann auch helfen, schlechte Gewohnheiten zu ändern oder zu verlernen. Es dauert im Schnitt etwa einen Monat um solche Gewohnheitsändeungen in unserem Hirn umzulernen.

Wenn man für länger als einen Monat also dank dem Medikament auf Süßigkeiten z.B. verzichtet, kann es gut sein das danach auch ohne das Medikament der Verzicht leichter fällt. Weil halt die Routine nicht mehr im Hirn verankert ist.

Just to be clear, this all also depends on the country. Where I’m from, I’d also recommend calling the police to make an official statement about the crash.

Eh… kenne jemanden der Trulicity nimmt. Ist quasi der Vorgänger von Ozempic. Hat seit dem super abgenommen und fühlt sich kein Stück anders was sein Belohnungssystem angeht. Klar hat es ne Auswirkung aber die scheint nicht so groß zu sein, dass es negativ wahrgenommen wird.

Und man kann das Medikament ja wieder absetzen wenn’s einen von der Wirkung nicht gefällt

People are so dramatic about a change in the color palette lmao. Am I crazy ? To me that’s almost irrelevant compared to all the other shit that season 2 needs to pull off

I just want to add to this that during a long period in Europe, women who looked like they had tuberculosis were considered attractive. People really had the hots for sick looking gals.

Yeah that’s some evolutionary biology shenanigans. It’s pretty much all unproven stuff that seems plausible on paper. Could be some truth to that

I would feel happy if it’s a sincere statement. Atleast in English. In I’m German and the german term has a different connotation. It’s something you would mostly call kids or puppies so it would come across as negative.

But in English it’s a cute compliment :)

So sorry, I’m not interested in romance right now. We can still be friends if you want

I like that you said both your buttholes. Technically our butthole and our mouth are made from the same cells.

Maybe. My understanding was that they just aren’t useable in army formations because they require too much space. Also too much training compared to something like a spear

That wasn’t my intention at all lol. It’s just that posts like this one here are usually men complaining about rejections because they have to shoot so many shots and it’s exhausting. So I included the comment about women to make it clear it’s not just something men have to deal with. It came across poorly lmao