Why is it always the salsa ingredients!?! 😫 what did salsa ever do to you!?! [My cats name is Pepper I mean I should have known] Mine would gnaw on tomato's, peppers, and every other salsa ingredient but I'd have to shoo her away.

My choice to not have kids is not bc I'm worried about passing it on, though that is a concern, I'm more concerned about not having the energy or time to be a fully involved mother to my kids. If I were to have kids I'd end up feeling guilty all the time bc I wouldn't be able to physically keep up with them etc. I already can barely keep up with my nieces and nephews. My man and I love the life we live now and plan to love on as many other kids in the family that are not our own, the best we can.

Penelope Featherington!!!!!!

Amen to that. 😅 I can't tolerate anything looser than my skin tight skinny jeans or yoga pants. 😤 I will dig for those and wear them until they die.

Ok im actually happy my natural curls are in finally. In HS I straightened mine out with my flat iron until I almost lost all my hair. All to look JUST LIKE RACHAEL from Friends. 🤣😂🤣

As a horror and sci-fi buff... it immediately made me think of Ghost Ship. UTTERLY TERRIFYING. I knew what was coming. Without every fully really the whole book, I knew, and they did it so well.

Niko is basically Luna Lovegood. I freaking love it. ❤️ She's adorable 😍

Oh yeah definitely. I also get Zofran (ondanstron-spelling) and I take both at night before bed. It helps because I basically sleep off the effects

I have to be extremely careful when out in the sun and heat (think lots of water and sunscreen), my hair is fairly fine. I take the utmost care to make sure it's healthy. I have a stylist I see every 6 weeks for deep conditioning treatments and trims and such. She has helped me get it healthy.

I do get sick fairly easily so I have to mask up when in groups of people during flu season (Walmart shopping in December yikes) and I bruise like a peach.

Obviously if I do get sick or have surgery I have to go off of it. But other than that I'm doing ok. So far no major issues.

I have to say gluten free when I am actually just gluten sensitive... no one gets it. But it still bothers me and makes me bloat. I don't get hives or anything but it still makes me sick.

Question: is Will just dyslexic or is he possibly on the spectrum? His attention to detail, certain social cue interactions, his preference for suits. I'm not positive but I was just wondering.

This wins the internet for the day. I am Done. 🤣