They didn't keep their meat ice cold, now it's gone bad and starting to stink up the place

my favorite plotline is kimiko's furrowed brow

best friend more like only competition for town MILF

that is a top notch faire, it beats the piss out the hayseed pittsburgh one

I ran a store for a while that i inherited when my dad died. Few things in my life were more satisfying than having an angry rural boomer demand to talk to my dad and being able to say "he died X years ago, dipshit"

why is the gremlin space blank who should go there. whose face should be in that square. what face goes there.

probably less obvious when it first aired. they definitely relied on 1970s tv picture quality back then. when the school for the blind burns down doc baker finds the pipe in a pile of "embers" that is clearly a heap of gray cloth with orange spots painted on it

the terrible robot girl was the least horrible child on the show

where my cinnamon bear heads at

"He has no respect for anyone or regard for their wellbeing beyond their usefuleness to him. It's very exciting." - Bruce Timm