Maybe 2-3 times a year. My Father was an alcoholic, so I’ve never been big on it.

Parking on the public street in front of her house. Don’t you know she owns that!

While they’re at Disney, take down the shed. So sorry, no place to stay.

Sell her cookies with brown sprinkles. You know, since she’s a shitty person!

What a waste of money. Sale signs written in ink are useless. Picture someone driving 25-30 mph trying to read the sign…impossible!

Mirrors black out when car is in motion. The ladies cannot put on mascara while they’re driving now!

I would add to keep a diary of conversations with this Manager when she verbally abuses you and others.

Little do these stupid humans know that I drop all the debris I collect under their beds. Muhahaha!

Will I be able to clean the screen without using a ladder?

I’d probably go to the gym if all trainers were Golden pups!

Did you wipe your ass today? You smell like shit!

I was in HR and am getting frustrated just reading this. Definitely go over her head or even to the President! This is a horrible way to handle the death of an employee.

About 6 years ago, IT Director was arrested at work for sexual assault of minors. Unmarked black SUV had pulled up in front of work and 3 men in suits came to entrance asking for him. He was found guilty a year later on 5 counts. Hope he is as miserable as he made the children he assaulted. He was a creepy little prick.

Let’s go back to the sixties vibe with “The Stripper”! Take that jersey off fellas, we want to see some muscles!

Who decided this seating arrangement?! What can’t someone sit on that side of the table? It’s too crowded on this side!

My damn Karen neighbor just walked into my house without knocking. They always ruin everything!

It’s time to pick up the kids from school. I’ll be back in a half hour!