The fake kids conspiracies are even more ridiculous and annoying! They think the kids are fake, not just born from surrogates. They apparently have child actors and Lily is actually Stassi Schroeder’s daughter 🤦🏾‍♀️, Stassi addressed it on her podcast and found the whole thing highly amusing.

I use to think this line of thinking was from a few people who they let express their wild ideas until I realise the mods also support and believe this lunacy. SMM was a great platform when it first started and no one was allowed to say a negative or questioning comment about Meghan but they lost the plot a while back and it’s sad to see.

Not hate them but truly disillusioned by their choices as adults. I resent so much of what I had to go through as a child b/c they knew better but didn’t care since I was a voiceless and powerless child.

They now want to have a relationship they didn’t foster in my childhood and want to put the pressure on me to show up for them in ways they never showed up for me. They gave me everything financially but that stuff doesn’t mean anything to a lonely and mistreated child.

  1. Get a capsule wardrobe (good basic pieces that can be paired together) then slowly explore your style by adding pieces.

  2. Get a good skincare routine. It can be simple but make sure you’re consistent and if you can get a facial once a month.

  3. Have an everything shower once a week, on top of your daily shower routine. Everything showers include full body exfoliating, shaving what needs to be shaved, if you can this includes your hair and an at home exfoliating facial.

  4. Eat well, workout and drink lots of water. This is the most important but the changes don’t happen in a day.

  5. Get your eyebrows done, get your teeth cleaned, straightened etc (if they need it) and get a few good hairstyles.

  6. Invest in a few good perfumes, they’ll make a statement as soon as you walk into a room.

‘Some’? Her mother probably wouldn’t recognise her if she saw her 30 years later.

This is so pathetic and sad it’s actually hard to watch.

The irony is Khloe thinks she’s the strongest one amongst the girls but in reality, she’s been destroyed by those very people. The only person who actually looks out for her is Kourtney and she treats her like 💩

Lol! I think we’re past that with this one.

This is why I’m not for bashing people who didn’t come forward years ago, this monster has been killing people for decades. It’s believed he’s killed people with public profiles/celebrities so I can only imagine how dangerous it would be for a regular person to speak up about what they knew or saw while in his presence.

I hope the Feds give them protection so more people can come forward and finally throw this POS in jail for good!

Kenya 🇰🇪

Short answer: Religion removes people’s ability to reason and see what’s right in front of them.

I find it sad when I see Africans (somalis, Sudanese etc) deny their black heritage to embrace Arab heritage, while Arab people look down on them, only tolerating them due to the shared religious beliefs.

Bethenny needed the HWs, it helped her channel her madness. She thrived in that controlled setting with different targets to go after every other episode, now she’s just completely unhinged.

They’ve already started, they’re taking pictures of traditional Nigerian dancers and using them to clap back 🤦🏾‍♀️



True, this is basic etiquette when travelling to different countries even without the faux royal tour..

This was so delicious!

I’m African and my country is not as conservative as Nigeria yet her outfits had my jaw on the floor. The one thing we do here is dress appropriately for the occasion, especially formal occasions with an older crowd. I wouldn’t wear some of her outfits to the beach with my older relatives, how did she think they were appropriate?

Being royal isn’t about taking pictures and appearing in magazines and newspapers, it’s about using that soft power to strengthen diplomatic relations and the biggest part of that is understanding the other party and respecting their culture and traditions. Meghan was focused on merching and how the photos would look in People magazine to take any of that into consideration 🤦🏾‍♀️

ETA: I realise she wasn’t there as a working royal so there were no diplomatic relations to strengthen 🤭 but the same sentiment is true if you want to endear yourself to a new group of people, this faux royal visit was a mess!

This is what pisses me off about this situation, there are children who have talent and have spent years honing their craft, only to be passed over b/c Kim and Kanye want to put their child to be in the spotlight.

There’s nothing to admire, a blank website and an IG page that’s starting to loose followers after barely making it past 600k is not exactly awe inspiring.

Has there been another celebrity ‘launch’ like this? I can get setting up an IG page and silently buying domains preparing for the launch but to actually launch a website/IG with a grainy video making a splash then NOTHING seems so odd!

Cathy White. It’s said she was pregnant and had plans to talk to a reporter (who worked for Star Magazine) about her relationships with Jay-Z but days before they could carry out the interview, Cathy died from an apparent brain aneurysm.

Wait, Orlando is considered more posh and sophisticated than Katy?? On what grounds? I’m not American so maybe I’m missing something. I highly doubt that’s it though, first b/c I don’t think marriage or settling down is something that anyone should do unless they find the right person and whether you’re married/settle down with someone does not add value to who anyone is intrinsically.

I’ve felt the same way for years but I can’t pin point what’s off about them. They’ve been together long enough so it seems like a stable relationship and they have a beautiful daughter but something about them is just weird.

Are your raspberries bitter? Raspberries and strawberries in my country are bitter to the extent I have to have them in something that has sweetener (most people eat them this way too, no one snack on them plain) but I wasn’t sure whether it’s their standard taste or some people just like the bitter taste.

This is the way! I have astigmatism so I do this to force people to dim their lights or at least improve my visibility if they refuse.

You’re not a terrible mother at all, although I have to ask, was the plan always for PP mother (you) to take care of the baby by yourself? It’s hard b/c you’re doing the bulk of the child care alone. Is there any way your husband can help and take shifts so you can get some rest.

Harry is not seeing things from rational perspective at all, so if you think of his circumstances logically you’ll end up very confused.

Harry is weak minded and has emotionally bonded with a narcissistic vulture. We see right through Meghan and so do many other people but all the tears, word salads and self-aggrandizing actually works on him and he buys it all hook, line and sinker. The reason it has so perfectly worked on him is cause she exploited his mother wound, that he had left unaddressed since childhood, he doesn’t just see Meghan, he also sees Diana in her, something she fostered and is always exploiting.

Harry is miserable but he’s too simple minded and cowardly to actually figure out why, he so would sooner blame the sun for rising on the East and setting on the West, than take a good hard look at his life and do the work on himself to get to a healthy, happy place.

Nothing, they should keep him actually and send for his equally useless VP.

We’ll have fresh elections or even throw a rock in a crowded room and probably end up with a better president.