Im not telling anyone what to think. I submit exhibit A regarding illiteracy.

But you had time to issue judgement on my findings regarding Disney. You do you, k?

The Christian Coalition has opposed Disney since the 90's. Disney has lead a campaign against traditional family values and advocated sexual perversion. This is strangley contrary to their business model. All of this was true before social media, and the information age just informed you and you became aware of the issues. The vast majority of Americans were blissful in their illiteracy as printed media morphed into social media.

Go to meetings and substitute the word alcohol with weed. I love meetings

"Let me turn it up for you." Rotate middle finger from pointing down to straight up.

I lived near a scrap yard owner and he had one at his house for Holloween and would hop right in it to scare people. It was from an above ground burial in a mausoleum and it leaked... they are guaranteed not to leak so the company replaced it and scrapped the leaker.

Mismanagement you could watch real time. Predictable. In 1977 Sears cut all their employees to part time so they could avoid paying benefits, I temember the dipsticks who worked for them after that. Reminds me of Southwest airlines after they mandated the vaccine, major brain drain.

Keep paddling and let God steer. Think what people went and are going through in wars and impoverished places. I visited my friend who had a stroke at 46 and cannot speak or leave the bed. My problems are quite manageable in comparison.

The rate of change is accelerating exponentially. I am a LOT older and we never thought we would grow old. Enjoy the present and take advantage of every day because as they dwidle you would do anything for more of them.

Its funny every generation develops its own vernacular and then revels in how clever they are. And they will never grow old, infirm or incontinent.

Outta pocket been used in business emails forever.
Dont worry you are very clever

Copper is forcast to have a bright future and has just hit all time highs. I am sure ebay has some for sale. It sounds like you have tripled your money so far, I wouldn't be so dismissive.

Fist bump unless I am being funny then I say "What's shakin' dawg?"

If red touches black won't hurt Jack but if red touches yellow it will kill a fellow.

She was choreographing her shows and writing the music at 17. I was in her corner until she started getting political

OK I didn't know..
It's supposed to be insulting, right? If that's your problem with Elon Musk then he is doing pretty good.

Cisgender is a slur against heterosexuals just like a bunch of terms used to slur Homosexuals. It's OK. I still have one arm left.