I’m just done. The site has become useless garbage to me. Ever since Musk took over, it only got worse and worse with more and more MAGA morons and nut-bags being allowed on the site again, as well as allowing lies and disinformation to run more rampant than ever.

I only went to the site just to share hot anime art on Discord, but lately it has become impossible with all of the bullshit that Musk is allowing to pollute a once decent social media platform, and transform it into an even worse version of 4chan.

I really hope one day, Elon will sell the site to someone else. Someone who is able to reverse the damage Elon has inflicted. To stomp all those MAGA trolls off of the site once again. To make it safe. Until then, I’m done. I’ll only use it rarely just to share anime art.