Not gonna lie, I’m pretty stoned and I read your username as it’s a tum 420 haha

Dude here, I shower daily. Sometimes twice if it’s really hot out

What a deal, I would have to drive hours and through mountain passes to find a deal like that

I’ve tried the limeade from ghost, it’s pretty good. Also the grape popsicle c4 was alright, it was very sweet tasting. I have never seen the Hawaiian pineapple one but it sounds dank.

This is contest ready, get is super dehydrated and now he is carb loading so get a better pump or he may be done with the show and is eating his first junk food since the cut. I used to do amateur body building shows before I broke my leg is how I know.

Yeah I decided to never buy one after I saw my father in law tip his over and break it on the first day of using it, I believe he got it covered by the warranty but I couldn’t imagine breaking a thousand dollar grill by accidentally ass bumping it playing with my kids.

Addicted fishing has a ton of beginner videos that should at least get you pointed in the right direction, also if you’re stumped maybe ask her for some pointers it might be a great move on your part.

Lost energy drink I think I was 15, they were delicious.

I’m fucking galactivated first thing this morning!

Where did you find rc cola

I hate to say it, but I think Guernsey is the best. They let the personnel from the base put on a good show, and you can light off fireworks in town as well.

Wow this is certainly following the Baptist are the Catholics of the south and vis versa

The coconut one is incredible also.

This has restored my faith in humanity today, was the red sweatshirt guy involved initially or did he step in?

There is some fucked up shit on YT.

Dude was hoping to nab a 2 for 1, he was like “50/50 shot this lady is smoking the ganj”

What the fuck is this? I’m gonna start doing this to people at work and see if anyone says anything.

If I’m lit and I have nothing to do I could smash 3.

Yeah man this is like seeing a closed down McDonald’s, you’re in the wrong neighborhood.