Park Mobile App Issue

Anyone else not able to use the park mobile app anymore? It deleted my vehicles and won’t let me add any or access my account

currently thinking of taking a heroic dose of tranq if i can’t get any im likely just to go the classic pcp cig route and see wheee the night goes

forest hills marathon, suffolk downs, thompson’s point, red rocks!!

Telluride Trip May 26-28

Going down to telluride for a couple days with my sister was wondering if there will be anything hikeable right now. Was looking to do bridal veil falls and have wanted to go to ice lake but it seems very unlikely right now


pic for reference

their pizza is not that good honestly, he’s not frank pepe

honestly this is like a black mirror episode

makes sense everyone complaining abt burlington don’t even live in burlington

i’ve been trying they’re really in there tho

Self absorbed roomate won’t admit wrongdoings

I live in a house with 4 other guys we’re all in university and there’s one kid who will not do any of his dishes and continually pees all over the toilet seat and doesn’t clean it up. It happens every day and if you call him out he just straight up denies it. He has assburgers and is really hard to reason with, i’m only living here for about 3 months but im already tired of it

Winter Hike Advice

not a thru hike post but just wondering how conditions are with all the recent snow. Do you think snowshoes are needed if trying to go up mansfield?

almost got hit by someone going into costco yesterday they drove onto the curb and then started heading straight towards my car

unlimited wash pass

any car washes offer unlimited wash passes. I did champs last year and they were good but i tried to go couple weeks ago and it looked like they shut down


Top 1. Sushi Maeda 2. The Grey Jay Bottom 1: Gaku Ramen 2: Ken’s pizza

High Peak Hikes Recommendations

Looking to go up to the high peaks this weekend to summit my first adirondack high peak. I’ve got good experience with winter hiking in vermont and on mount washington. I’m wondering what would be a good first hike for the high peaks i’ve been looking at colden but i’ve heard it might be challenging during shoulder season w lots of mud and icy rocks

Winter Hiking

I’ve done hiking throughout the long trail in the winter before but not very frequently. I’m thinking of doing a lot of hikes this upcoming winter and was wondering if I would benefit from having an ice axe on me or if it would be unnecessary.

i’ve used chat gpt to help me with coding problems and understand what i’m doing wrong and it’s been very useful

got in a minor fender bender once w no damage the people called the cops instantly and a woman was claiming i gave her whiplash eventually turned out that she was trying to claim insurance fraud but shit was wild i was only 16 had like 2 cops fire truck and ambulance show up for a fender bender

same one of my favorite decks

focus on the flick u have like every other part down u just need to get the flick consistent, which can be annoying it’ll just take time, u got this!