Your only way of stopping convicted felon Trump from winning is to vote for the person who you think has the best shot of winning, which is the Dem candidate.

Wear what YOU feel comfortable wearing and what is appropriate for the circumstances. Explain to him that what you wear is an important way for you to express your personality and you hope he appreciates it.

It’s only loading the national secrets that Trump stole. No big deal.

Time to update the story referring to him as your EX BF!

He has guilt feelings associated with sex. Talk to him about why. Upbringing? Morals? Religion? You?

Men are visual. In their mind, they have a fantasy partner and they are forever trying to get you to be like her. I’m 52, small and in good shape. My husband is forever trying to get me to dress like I’m 20, in tank tops, tiny cutoffs, bodysuits and bikinis. It’s nice that he likes my body but In the end I dress in what makes me comfortable. Sometimes, when I think it’s appropriate, I wear what I know he wants me too. You can try a similar strategy.

You may not have “the best emotional intelligence”, but at least you understand the term, which puts you ahead of 90% of the other sex.

We are beautiful, soft and sensuous.

We have emotional intelligence in addition to logical intelligence. Men only have the latter.

We are more emotional.

We can make a human being!

We have a lot more fun in life, with everything from fashion to makeup to sex (we can orgasm multiple times, we queff and squirt)

The list is endless if you think about it.

For a man the pleasure is external. For us, it fills us, flowing throughout our bodies. I think the fullness we get is far above anything any man feels.

You were wrong to have ever gone out with this loser, staying as long as you did, and giving him a second thought. Just move on.

Value experiences over possessions.

Work hard, but play hard too. Build experiences.

Focus on deep friendships with a few over shallow friendships with many.

Invest regularly. Regular small investment adds up to more than a few large investments most of the time.

The three most important decisions in life are:

1) what you do

2) who you marry, and

3) where you live

Get those right and the rest of your life will take care of itself.

How do you get over being a woman? Are you embarrassed by it? Or do you think you are so fortunate to be one? Celebrate your femininity, enjoy it and hell flaunt it.

It became unlivable when DeSantimonous became governor.

Why can’t you cook? If you can and do, teach your partner so that they can too.

Honestly, the best thing you could do is open your lips and smile. It will enhance your appearance more than any makeup.

  1. Talk to her. Ask her things that turn her on. Ask her about some of her fantasies.

  2. Using what you learned from her, do in order:

A) weave a tale that makes her feel that her fantasies are coming to life. We need to have our minds engaged before our bodies do.

B) follow through with actions with what you learned and said above.

Have a great time and don’t forget to update us!

Your pizza stone is fine. Use a metal dough scraper (if you don’t have one, get one. About $7) and scrape off the stone. Use a damp paper towel to clean off the rest. Think of the stone like the sole of a leather shoe. Some marks and scratches are okay. Excessive stuff stuck to it should be cleaned off.

You have the right start. Your tongue is key. Use it to make words and talk to her. Ask her what she likes. Ask her about her favorite fantasies. For us, sex begins between our ears and flows down our bodies. Talk to her. Turn on her mind. Once her mind is humming, work your way down. You’ll both have more fun.

You have known her for 8 years? Even at her age, she knows about your economic situation. Just be honest and tell her that you really want to spend time with her but you can’t afford that.