Close the door, you're letting all the STANK out!!

Nah the picture doesn't show the stationary bike you have to pedal until the end of time to power it

This is so true.

I was driving the other day and pulled out in front of another car (plenty of space, they were like 50 meters away and we were all going slow in a roadworks zone, so crawling).

They proceeded to hurl verbal abuse at me calling me a "fat C***" and "big hole" (aussie slang for fat person), carrying on like pork chops all the way down the road.

It was ridiculous because they couldn't even see me just my head. Still made me question whether I was a fat C*** 😞

My elderly aunt was part of this group in the UK. Purple clothes with red hats. They always got together for a social activity at least once a week, lunch, cafe, etc. I went with them one time to the theatre for a day trip it was lovely. I did not wear the uniform though lol

Yes, I'm finding the same thing, but only when I have enough fats in my diet.

If I go below 30g fat, I'm ravenous, but if I keep it above this level, it's all good.

Diet coke, tea, coffee (instant), eggs, cottage cheese, peaches, spinach, tomato, cucumber, pickles, Vegemite, lentil soup, oatmeal sachets

What to do? Bonk people on the head with them, of course!

I used to drink my tea, teaspoon by teaspoon...

Yeah, that's the part that makes me question. We are a family of 5 and buy in bulk a lot and ziplocks aren't as hardy as I would like, the vac seal bags seem to be more robust.

I like the concealer but I can get better for cheaper when other brands are on sale, and I never seem to see it discounted.

Detail expected:

  1. My name and payroll number
  2. Dates I want to take leave

I've worked in government and private. Never had to explain myself on leave applications.

I'm taking leave for this and the next school holidays and tried to explain to my manager in person why I wanted leave (to look after kids) but he literally waved it off like he was insulted I thought I had to explain myself to him lol, great bloke.

I don't know about bone structure, but I do have a larger frame. Shoulders are prominent, tall, and wear heels a lot for work because I like to intimidate men. I'm on the higher end of normal bmi currently and have been called a giraffe and too skinny in the last week.

I've been told not to lose any more weight, slow down, etc, as it's unhealthy. Inside, I'm chuckling as I'm borderline overweight and don't plan on stopping yet. I do worry because the "ideal weight" given to me in calculators based on my age and height is about 10kg from where I currently am now and that seems ridiculous for my frame but meh...

I wouldn't promote you with such a shitty, entitled attitude.

That being said, if you aren't happy, then look elsewhere. I went from the same "loser salary" as yours to earning 47k more by changing my career focus and finding a new employer.

Maybe that still makes me a loser by your standards as I'm 8 years older than you, so I guess I should be on 200k to be worth anything. /s

Vegemite and butter ftw 😋