Oh I see. I don't remember all the nuances since it's been almost 9 years since I've had it. I think it was the best looking bright room plasma ever.

I no longer have that TV. It was calibrated with hcfr and a colormunky display. For a better picture, I would recommend resetting the game mode to default and see if there are color temp presets. Try to get the image close to mine which was calibrated to D65 white. Unless you have a meter, I wouldn't touch the 10pt or color controls. If you are using the wider color space option, the default white point will be much bluer.

Plug your game into HDMI 1 or 2 port. Press the "Source" button, switch to the port the game is on. Then press the "Tools" button and "Edit name" change the port to "PC" and you're all set. This will enable 4:4:4 chroma RGB and disable all enhancement to reduce input lag.

Here's an old photo of my calibrated F8500 for reference taken with a Samsung Note 4.

I've pretty much given up on competitive shooters. Only way forward is to compete in an offline local lan, otherwise, I won't even try.

Looks kinda blue. Is the picture mode on PC mode with the color temp off? I don't remember my F8500 looking like that.

Reddit is not the community. Also, if you are already satisfied with the game, why do you feel the need to come here and complain?

Yep while I was doing a boss too...

I don't have this issue on PC.

I got to 30s and quit. After that is just insane amount to grind and farm alone.

I wish this was true but only the last slot was a constant rotating door. The rest of the team was the same.

They were also sniping on the enemy team. Whole match was a joke.

The cinematics are amazing for a free to play.

I love playing vs console connected to Wi-Fi so my low ping gets lag compensated and I die around a corner.

I'll already be scoped in before they notice but they will get the kill and my gun shoots when I spawn even though I already shot. Enemies also seem to be 500ms ahead even though my ping is 18ms.

Just my assumption on the first few frames but it could also be his transformation.

I just saw this on YouTube and damn... Reans S-Craft animation and Yun Ka Fai.. This is truly the peak and we are here.

There is no evidence so I don't buy it. Just allegations on allegations.

Grab a meter and set both to 100 cdm2. The crt will appear much brighter. This is due to crt being self emmisive and also having different spd characteristics along with superior cri.


So stupid they succumbed to these tourists. Even Kai Cenat and Pekora of all people beat it ffs. We can never have good games without the masses trashing it.