I've seen a lot of comments on various social media platforms this week, calling Dr Disrespect a pedophile over the recent controversy, and I think we need to take a long look at the harm this kind of labeling can cause. It's not just causing harm to Dr Disrespect, but his wife and daughter.

First, let's be clear on the definition according to Wikipedia and the DSM-5 (used by psychologists). Pedophilia is defined as the sexual attraction to prepubescent children (typically under 13). The situation with Dr Disrespect, while controversial, involved a 17-year-old and NOT a prepubescent child. This doesn't meet the clinical definition of pedophilia.

Second, engaging in private chat with a 17 year old, considered a minor in some US states, is wrong IF he knew she was 17 and the conversation 'leaned' towards being inappropriate. He hasn't made it clear whether he knew she was 17 at the time, but even if he did, this is not the definition of a pedophile.

Not only does the incorrect use of the term 'pedophile' diminish the severity of actual pedophilia cases, using such a serious term incorrectly can have devastating consequences to someone's life. It not only affects the individual, but their family as well. Can you not imagine the damage this can cause to his daughter as she enters middle and high school? It can be devastating and even lead to self-harm or suicide.

Dr Disrespect's actions certainly warrant strong criticism, but throwing around terms like "pedophile" is not just inaccurate, it's destructive.

Edit: https://x.com/SonnyFazUpdates/status/1805977277068431428  - We don't know how old she was, only court documents have that info, but this is where I got the '17 year old' reference from. Again, he's not a pedo. A creep? Yes.