Man, this game is gonna be the biggest letdown since that game that has never come our after raising 500m in funds.

If for example, tomorrow Guatemala sent their army to kidnap, torture, rape and murder mexican people in Chiapas (chiapas is a mexican state, guatemala a country bordering in the south) and guatemalan people cheered on the mexican corposes, i would fully support the mexican army to go there and shoot everyone on site. Hands down. Want to act like a wild animal with rabies? Then we treat you as such, and it means putting then down for everyone elses sake. Period.


The same people that cheered and spat on the corpse of a german girl that hamas was parading around

No brother.

after we stop the war crimes

Agreed, we need to focus on stopping them from kidnaping, torturing, raping and killing civilians like in oct 7.

Tambien si mandaramos 700 mediocres a jugar en rumania este man hubiera ganado el pleito 😤

I assume you have never swam in a lake/pond/sea then. Only pools with desani amirite?

:chihuahua: Chihuahua

Se directo. Las doñas ya no tienen tiempo para juegos.

Who isnt:

Chad gable: wwe has had him at every role possible but never give him the big W so they wont start now.

Hayes: too green

La knight: they wont abandon the logan paul feud by having knight win

Andrade: 5% chance, its not like the wwe universe is infatuated with him.

Gonna be between drew and jey. Jey might get it cause it might lead to a bloodline subplot but drew getting it would just be more fuel to the fire for his feud with punk.

Spammano was outed as a shill for sale by danish journos. If youre an agent and want to promote your manager/player, you pay him to start tweeting about them and he fabricates lies about X or Y team being interested.

:centrist: - Centrist

The shut out Bernie and the recent one they shut out tulsi and yang

Brother voters shut out panders. He lost in any actual democratic primary and lost hard. You put him vs Trump and the GOP would do nothing but run ads on Panders praising Hugo Chavez in 2012 (when venezuela was already shit), praising the soviet breadlines he saw while on his honeymoon in the USSR and every voter over 40 wouldve had some sleeper agent moment and flood the polls to vote against Sanders. Sanders wouldve made the Mondale election look close.

What the fuck is this title?

The article is about Telam being closed cause no more government funding lmao.

:chihuahua: Chihuahua

Jajaja a mi me paso algo similar pero el wey se estaciono a una cuadra de mi casa.

Sali y le tome foto y se la envie por la app diciendole "no te voy a cancelar wey". En menos de 2 minutos el cancelo el viaje y se fue pillando llanta del coraje.

:chihuahua: Chihuahua

Estan esperando que tu canceles para quedarse con parte de la multa.

Mandale un mensaje "no voy a cancelar, quedese dando vueltas todo el dia" y veras como en 5 minutos te cancela el.

Nope, repito, en mi linea de trabajo la pochiza es irrelevante.

La empresa se tiene que lavar las manos. Si tu mañana te pones culebra y demandas diciendo "me obligaron a ir a trabajar aun cuando estaba recien operado" la empreaa va a perder facil en conciliacion y arbitraje sin importar si estas mintiendo o no. Asi que la empresa se tiene que escudar de cualquier riesgo futuro.

Y solo despues de 3 dias. Uno de mis empleados requirio cirugia y estuvo fuera 21 dias pero el imss solo le empezo a pagar despues de que la incapacidad supero 3 dias. Antes de eso pasas a mamar.

You both suck

You shouldve been mature enough to take the house that was already there and your wife should be mature enough to go talk to the bankrupcy lawyer.

That said only one of those things have a solution today, so yeah.

Will we see a meaningful difference in the field next year?

No, because ten shits still suck.

No carnal, a mi me mantiene mi trabajo y no el trabajo ajeno como ciertos parasitos.

Because our only options are 5 or 14 matches. Too bad nobody has ever invented some numbers between 5 and 14.