I take ashwagansha at night, it helps with relaxation and sleep maybe an hour before bed.

Are you eating before you take it?

Increase your daily intake of vegetables for glowing and healthy skin.

It's heart-wrenching to see someone struggle with dementia, both for the person going through it and for their loved ones.

Removing her phone to prevent any potential issues might be a good idea and I recommend speaking with her doctor to explore medication options, especially since she seems to be dealing with heightened anxiety.

Bringing in a caregiver, even just for companionship, could provide much-needed support and respite for you.

How's your diet? Do you get plenty of protein, fresh vegetables and fruits?

Are you drinking water? You may have an electrolyte imbalance. I feel bloated when my imbalance is off.

I do. Then a drink water and it goes away. How much water are you drinking?

It seems like there might be an electrolyte imbalance. Have you considered the possibility of vertigo? You might want to consider realigning your crystals.

The changes in her behavior are not caused by the product but rather by her natural hormonal fluctuations before her menstrual cycle. It's normal for women to experience these changes, and the product is designed to help alleviate some of the symptoms.

It's important to be a supportive partner during her premenstrual phase. Providing her with space when she needs it is also essential for her well-being. Do you have discussions about her menstrual cycle? It could be helpful to have open communication about her PMS symptoms.


Blue Bonnet’s Evening Primrose Oil, Country Life: Resveratrol Plus and Jarrow: Hyaluronic Acid.

Are you talking to your doctor and or gynecologist about your symptoms?


I've never come across that before. Do you use it? Do you like it? Does it help PMS?


I often find myself overthinking and overanalyzing everything, even my dreams, haha, prior to the period. Period comes, and it's like the switch to normal is back, minus the cramps. I can pick up on others' anxiety like clockwork.

The heat was intense today. I am grateful for dresses, but I am bloated and probably look pregnant. Being hard on self. Giving myself grace today for being an imperfect lady who's PMS-ing. Hear me roar.

Omega fatty acids offer numerous health benefits:

  • Joints, reducing inflammation and stiffness.
  • Cardiovascular health is improved by lowering triglyceride levels and supporting healthy blood pressure.
  • Brain function has been linked to cognitive function.

Take it and, in a month, review it, okay? I can imagine we have all taken something before as a science project—holy moly, what if it does work?

Eating a diet high in complex omega fatty acids, like omega-3 and omega-6, has been proven to affect mental health and cognitive function positively.

Nordic Naturals is a trustworthy and ethical brand that offers products aligned with these health goals.

Have you had a chance to chat with your doctor or dentist yet? Keeping a food journal could be really helpful.

How's your diet? Do you drink alot of water?

YouTube is great for learning. Highly recommend.