Oh I'm not commenting on that, only the comment that "incel" is getting old. Nothing in relation to the post

There's also talk that his dad had him castrated as a child, to keep his voice high. Idk if there's any merit to it, but I wouldn't be surprised, and it would make a lot of sense

Carefully Pets by Jess is mobile and amazing. My dog likes to nip when she gets her nails trimmed, and Jess not only never reacts, she thinks it's the funniest thing ever. She's got a great demeanor and works with all types of animals. She used to work at Fairfield but just recently went full time with her pet business. She does pet sitting, medications etc as well. I'd recommend her for any animal related stuff

Doubtful. Oysters start growing bacteria when they're out of the water and open. These wouldn't be safe to eat

I've done chiro and physio for severe back issues. I recommend Sun City Physio. They'll do the same things as a chiro, but much less severely and have multiple options of treatments in their office, as opposed to chiros one type

No it's not. "Karen" is getting played out. "Incel" is not. It's accurate and relevant and until they stop being incels, it's completely accurate to call them one

Tbf, it was never this bad before .. but we've had a lot of transplants the last 5 or 6 yrs and it's gotten worse by the month since

Bear lake. Used to spend days up there playing with tadpoles. It's literally the only place in the area I remember seeing a concentration of them

I'm not arguing that it happened, I'm arguing about the comment that it was "common knowledge" .. if it were, it wouldn't have been posted here, and there wouldn't be so many people asking questions about it, if it were "common knowledge"

I think thats bc Uride is still technically a cab service, isn't it?

If it were "common knowledge" there wouldn't be so many ppl here asking if it's real. Just bc you saw it and know about it, doesn't make it "common knowledge"

It's not "common knowledge" lol

Bc someone traveling witb a toddler and luggage doesn't need to try and traipse across a parking lot to get a ride. There are more convenient options

If your relatives can pick you up, that's your best bet. If not, cab it (but don't use Yellow Cab, they're awful). Recommend Current Taxi or Peachland Cabs.

Don't order uber, they can't pick up at the actual airport. You need to meet them at the gas station at the airport entrance. Would be a pain to drag your luggage and toddler over there to meet your uber.

Except uber doesn't pick up at the airport .. they pick up at the gas station ... which OP would have to get to with luggage and a toddler

Which doesn't sound like the most convenient option, esp with a toddler and luggage

Except in the post it says "I was able to clean it up the next day" ... I'm kinda calling bs on this


She wants a cake she can post on Instagram, so she can show her friends what an amazing gf she is. That's all this is, she just won't come out and admit it

Sorry, I see this as an embarrassed child who doesn't want this kind of attention on her.