[About Sick Leave]

A sick leave

So I went to the doctor to get checked and ask for a sick note as my work requires it after a few days and I wanted to have it before I reach that date.

At the doctor's they told me is the company who needs to ask for it and pay for it, otherwise it has to be me to carry all that.

My company told me I'm the one who has to ask for it, pay for it, and then they will reimburse me the amount the next paycheck.

But also at the doctors they told me I can go to work as long as I do low impact stuff(Which is not possible at my workplace) due to my injury.

So I'm wondering even if I ask for the note, will they give me something that allows me to stay and heal? My workplace said there is no issue me staying home the days i need, but it's the doctors note that worries me since they said i can work.

Would be the first time ever I ask for one so I don't even know what it says there.

Sick leave
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A sick leaveQuestion
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