People don’t seem to want to accept that most of the ownership class of our society openly despise the working class and wish they could subjugate us the way our ancestors did to peasants before the industrial and democratic revolutions. One of the greatest frauds American autocrats ever perpetrated was convincing the proletariat that we are free and live in an equitable society.

Not sure if you’re aware, but the Darwin Martin house is a Frank Lloyd Wright and is a Buffalo treasure. I definitely recommend visiting there if you haven’t yet.

Little kids don’t respect you because you steal their art and pass it off as your own.

I remember this! She was so good. She absolutely eviscerated Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Holy shit. Michelle better hope that the fascists don’t take over, because Sarah is going to do to her what Cersei did to Septa Unella if that ever happens.

The people who genuinely believe in anti-abortion are brainwashed dangerous idiots. The real agenda behind it is that the aristocracy doesn’t want women who belong to the proletariat having control over their reproduction. People who control their reproduction usually have time to get a quality education, and just become more competition over ownership and power. The ownership class needs cheap expendable labor and birth rates have been falling right along with quality of life for a while now. Humans are sexual beings and no amount of disingenuous sanctimonious religious nonsense is going to stop sexually mature teenagers from having sex. They’re counting on girls who were once like you to bring more wage slaves and broodmares into their dystopian vision for society. The best way we can rebel against them, is to stop having children. Let their kids kill each other over the last few grains of rice left over when they finish poisoning the earth. I hope the last thing they utter with their smog and mucous filled lungs is a curse to their ancestors for having sold them out for a 1st class plane ticket and box seats to something they used to call a “SuperBowl”.

They were part of my clean plate club. I’m not even vegetarian, but I loved their food. I think they were a Covid casualty, if I’m not mistaken.

Take your downvotes as a sign you might have reading comprehension issues my guy.

I would visit that guy often just because his death rattle made me laugh every time.

The trick is to jump into very deep water with a cinder block or something very heavy. By the time you reach a depth where the pressure will collapse your lungs and brain to the point of unconsciousness, you won’t experience the agony of drowning.

Egyptian kings would be buried with their entire retinue of servants. The concept of taking your subordinates with you when you die is an ancient one.

Wow. They even busted out the tajin. That’s what’s up. If they promise to clean up their mess, you should make them pancakes for breakfast.

As a man who has gone through something similar to what you’ve described, it is the worst emotional experience I’ve ever had to endure in my life. I don’t know if I’ll ever be truly capable of getting close to people again.

Wow. I wish someone named Bella would growl and run backwards at me with her bum 😢😔💔

He certainly likes to hang out with them. Criminals, I mean. Remember is campaign manager Paul Manafort? Remember Roger Fucking Stone? Remember his own personal goddamn lawyer Michael Cohen?! Remember his friend Jeffery Epstein? Ffs, this guy stinks so fucking bad, Voldemort could smell him through a brick fuckin wall.

He probably doesn’t have the upper body strength to pull up from that steep of angle. If he could at least manage to stick both arms up through the core of the spiral, an adult man would be able to easily pull him to his feet. Then he could shimmy up and out with minimal effort.

Come on. Cut your bullshit, and try to relax. It’s not that serious.

Yooo! I said this almost verbatim in a road rage I was involved in this morning on my way to work. Trippy.

“I would have given you such T..t…tenderness!”

I would put about 500mL of 10N NaOH in there. See what that does. If it kills all those, then I’d throw a probe in there, start mixing it, and bring it back down with some HCL.

As a former 8th grader, I have a pretty good idea what that one kid had on his mind when he told her that she would quit her job if she knew what he’s been saying about her behind her back.

“Yeeeaugh…you fuckin’ crackhead bitch!”