And they also always send a random text msg months/years down the line, the taste of those msgs are so sweet

The more good looking they are the less they had to push themselves to be good people to develop human skills because they got attention and reaffirmation all the time by lotta people. Worst sex of my life too

These crystally, self proclaimed witches be wildin


So good to see the most arrogantly presented bunch getting slapped the shit out of by a small eastern european team. Southgate masterpiece   Edit:I left this comment in the 90th minute and still didnt age well

Still miss this animal. proper cray cray warrior everyones wants on their team and hates it in the opposition's

why would you change the person in the middle of the sentence from 3rd to 1st

i like the one where a guy gets jumped by like 4-5 guys at the same time, then he goes to their houses one by one to beat the shit out of them. hella satisfying

Just a reddit moment. Like people chosing cultural and political sides based on one out of context, cherrypicked, click baity title of a post. Gotta love it. This is whyi dont trust game reviews with 10 hours of gameplay. 

Or putting a dirty ass plate handled by multiple people on top food that others will consume 


Seriously, ive been playing shooters since 2005, my first fav was cod2, both campaign and multiplayer and just last year(or before idk) i got myself to buy d2 and lightfall and the prev buyable 2 expansions, and even if you are not up for the grind of doing master level stuff or raids in general, its still hell of an experience, with great story and well written characters. Plus you can go online anytime to do some grinding, anything from 20 mins to an hour and still have a fun time, with others too if you want.

yeah if you check the replay they showed on tv you can see the momentum both players went towards each other, no wonder he got instaknocked, he basically took the keepers weight with a huge speed focused on a squarecm of his face

just bought a rx 6700 xt just for this game, even if my r5 3600 bottlenecks it a bit, you can have smooth +75fps. i use the volumetric cloud 0 and the r.nanite.maxpixelsperedge 4. both of them bumps your fps without any significant or noticable change in visuals. and yeha i play in 1080p too