A few months ago I was talking to my girlfriend about how much fun I remember having playing games like Halo, Gears of War, and CoD(Pre 8th gen games) with friends and I started looking for an Xbox 360 to play some of those games with her. My bday is coming up in a few days and she surprised me with an Xbox 360 she found on Offer Up.

The Xbox was so great and in amazing conditions. we immediately got and set up and started playing some of the digital and physical games I still had laying around (Mostly Halo games) and it was such a blast. Being able to put a disk in and knowing that we had plenty of content for years without having to worry about updates, no BS microtransations being thrown at your face, couch coop for almost every game. Everything was just fun, no need for bs matchmaking, buying battle passes, or any non sense, just plug and play.

I know many may think this was just nostalgia, but I urge anyone who misses the old style of games to go back, get an older console with a couple of controller and have friends over. As fun as playing games like Helldivers, or any modern game online is, nothing will ever beat the nonsensical fun you can have with 4-8 people playing in a LAN party on Halo 3 forge looking for dumb stuff to do or simply playing Halo, Gears, even the Lego games coop with your partner and having a blast, laughing, messing around, all that nonsense.

Today marked the first day since we got the 360 that we decided to hop back on PC's and play some games, the new Destiny expansion just came out and we have been fans of the franchise since the original came out so we decided to come back (note: We had plaid last season and are simply coming back to the game after 2-3 weeks of not playing). We got in, loaded up our Warlocks, and my god, was it bad.

First, as is traditional with destiny when you load up the game after an expansion or season starts, we start the first mission of the Final Shape, and... it was disappointing to say the list, the environments where mostly recycled accets from Destiny 1 and some maps from 2's multiplayer, the story, as it has been since they started doing the seasons, was a bunch of nonsense that made no sense to us even after playing every expansion the game has ever seen, (thanks to the seasonal stories locked behind the battle passes). and after completing that, we were welcomed by screen after screen trying to sell us stuff. Well I had to actively go out of my way to go into the xbox store to find the dlcs for Black Ops to play on some Zombies maps (which btw where only $14 USD) destiny was just trying to sell me a stupid cat emote for $10 and their expansion for the same price as a full game.

To make things worst, everything was completely different, bounties were moved to the pathway stuff they created, the activity levels where much higher than our initial levels, and there was just absolutely nothing to do. We ended up both deciding to uninstall the game.

I feel like many people are fed up with modern gaming, but going from playing those older og Xbox titles like Halo CE, 2, Medal of Honor, Turok Evolution(as trashy and buggy as that game can be), and 360 tittles, like Halo 3-Reach, Gears 1-3, CoD 4-Bops2, to playing games like destiny just makes the problem so much more infuriating and obvious.

Have you guys gone back to older games recently? how did it feel? what is it that you love the most from those games and what do yo miss the most?