:mycelium: Team Mycelium

Torrenting a file is faster when a lot of people are doing it, and hermitcraft world saves seem to be one of the few files that get official distribution via torrents


That is because they never were about the damage they dealt. It was always about raining an overwhelming and soulcrushing amount of shells, and what does it help that the shells aren't that strong, there's still a chance that one will hit your teammate mid sente

Wtf did they get this bullshit. Not together, both are an option but you NEVER MIX KETCHUP AND MAYO WTF

Let's just take Manfred Von Karma and let him do what he wants

Court speedrun contempt%

How can guro still exist on tumblr tho???

I don't approve or disapprove of putting mufflers on airplanes, but here is the first result that I found after googling it: link

Long answer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbbH77rYaa8&list=PLv0jwu7G_DFV6yW240e6CbiwCLaZ0Z6PV

Short answer: As you develop the photo you work with the film and the film contains the photo. Then you have to use a projector and fumble around with exposure for the final photo sheet, so you get a nice and long work session with figuring out how to make the dude's badly lit photo of him rawdogging a 500 lbs woman look good

:mumbo: Potato Boy

Pip201 means that if Grian had more health, and was hit by Mumbo during the final dive, he could die fast enough to be counted.

Płocczyzna Mazovia (Poland)

USSR refused through those countries puppet governments. If some governmental decision seems stupid in the second half of XX century, the answer is most often "The superpower that was dominant there pressured the local government to deny the other superpower any more influence there"

Oh, that is very cool. These look very cool. Cool ship


Most of these are radiators, they are a real thing that will be necessary on any ship with nuclear or antimatter or whatever engines, they are used nowadays on ISS but they don't stand out that much since they are placed on backsides of solar panels.

You are literally mocking people for putting cool and realistic bits and bobs on their designs. one of the best ragebaiters on this sub

except for the bottom left one, wtf that shit

So glad that people from Wrołtsuejwi are celebrating christmas so cheerily :D


Integral describes the function's slopes, so we need an arbitrary anchor to get the function back from the slopes, right?

Edit: sorry for not knowing this stuff. Didn't have it in school yet.

That looked European even before I read the text on the bottom. I think it's cuz of the warning signs, they just make the machine look like something I could actually stumble upon IRL

Fucking Kikriel, this is definitely not tailored to polish names.

Future Farmer

You can bet something more pressing will always be present... until it's -30 again

God just wanted to do a little trolling

Also, I am kinda a creationist, and I liked the way my parish' priest explained how creationism and evolutionism can coexist: animals evolved, but God was the one that made them evolve this way and not any other. And I'm glad God made sure that platyobelodons were long gone by the time we came about.

I will proceed to pleasure myself with this fish

~Inosuke, 5 seconds before devouring an entire great white shark without even chewing

Mark your entire post as a spoiler

the way it is now, the name is shown without clicking on the post

You aren't a real trucker unless you haul without a driving wheel, just concentrate hard enough you philistine.