I feel the same way, playing tier 6 can be so dreadfull when you keep meeting tier 8.

Only reason I am farming lower tier is for the battle pass to the moment it just destroys any fun to be had.

there is a diffirence in using a product and grabbing a brick and shove that in the devs windows ...

hey i have news for you, if you refund they will probably close it for sure

if you dont refund, you can most likely continue playing

your choice

be carefull with this, if you refund wg might close your account

i would open another ticket if you were helped before op. i had to have 2 tickets before a skin was refunded because said skin appeared in twitch drops 1 day later.

Dank je voor de terugkoppeling. Veel speelplezier :)

Welke locatie wordt er gespeeld?

Wat is de speelfrequentie?

Kan sessie 0 herhaalt worden?

Wat is de gemiddelde leeftijd?

and you won 4 out of 120? i'd like to see your tomato link... because i find that very hard to believe

I found the solution for my problem, apparently my videocard had a bad memory section. Anytime a game would require more gpu power the driver would crash. Replacing the videocard with another one fixed it for me.

Looks like rival tech company found our reddit boys

We’ll never quit as long as management pays us

For rock and stone!!!!!

No, the skills assigned to the tank roles do not fit these tanks. Support heavies in tier 10 are autoloaders and the skill revolves around that. The support heavies listed on the banlist are single shot tanks and so the skill would be useless (i guess its easier to ban than to change the skill or the role)

He will make a post asking which prem to buy and ppl will list the prems he just sold as being good creditmakers and he will go on about how wrong those ppl are.

Just a though

Abbey has 4 lanes you can fight in and most enemies are pennable from the sides and the rear with the rear being the weakest.

Enemy will have to push eventually if they intent to win the flank, while they make up their mind you rotated somewhere else and shoot tanks you can pen. You can def. outrun an AT-2 since those are really slow.

It depends on some factors. I can only make assumptions based on ops post.

If you are with a group you dont always need to relocate but you can pick shots when enemy tanks just fired. You can zoom out a bit to get some sort of bird overview and can monitor enemy movements a bit easier and see their shots.

Abbey is a bit more difficult because of the tight corridors it offers. Sometimes being patient and wait for enemy to make mistakes is what it takes to put some shots in.

For me it depends on the shell type what I use. For most heavies I use premium because the shell is simply better in every way (more pen, velocity). Some meds I prefer normal AP because that shells pen is high enough and the velocity is good or better.

Rotate to another flank. You dont need to engage an enemy who dug himself in... rotate and fight someone else and go back when the enemy tries to push and is in the open, thats when you attack them.

When i play my td: so few bushes, ill pick this one /gets blindfired

Me when i play med/heavy, so many bushes i cant push ;(

My point is, reducing bushes removes td spots and the whole map will become a corridor slugfest where paper tanks have a more difficult time performing in a 15v15 battle. The few clanwars i watched featured mostly heavies and assault td's

There is a server with 'free stuff' thats online from time to time.

Its called with something like warehouse

Sorry you got grieved, the new update allows you to prevent that in the future

What others suggested, low tier with high vision range might work better

Tier 8? You will compete when you run this mission. The second you pick a heavy tank you get a match with zero lt but ofc enemy has 2 borats :)

My point is that the other lights will ‘steal’ your spots if you pick hwk 30. Your profile is too big to take risks and you will most likely be outspotted by enemy elcs

Try this when other 3 lt are those in the screenshot. They all have better camo or speed