
I moved here at 23 and while I was a little lonely at first, I personally had no problem making friends and love it. I’m also from a smaller town and am huge into the outdoors, though, and I think my answer would be different if not for that. But if you do things outside of work (though you can of course make friends there too), I figure you’d fall pretty naturally into various friend groups dependent on the activity. Facebook searching groups for hobbies you’re interested in wouldn’t be a bad place to start on that.

BUT there’s definitely not that many young professionals here, if that’s your priority. Most people in their 20s seem to be in school.

“For comparison, that's enough to fill 25 fuel tanker trucks.”


This is correct. In my case, I wasn’t sure what the reason for my cancellation was (you’d think they’d clearly say), so I wasn’t sure if I could even get a hotel through the airline.

To all those pointing out we should’ve called customer service: I appreciate the well-meaning point, but the first three times I called my call was dropped. When I finally got through to the wait line for an agent, I was told I could either wait on hold or get called back by someone in more than 4 1/2 hours. By the time they called back, I was asleep on the airport floor, having given up on the line since none of the hotels nearby had open rooms anyway 😂

I called. The phone line was backed up a multitude of hours, and the automated options can only say so much.

Definitely not the visible staff’s fault!

Now, it’s the invisible staff you have to watch out for

No, at home, not cuddling with me 💔

He’s prob taking it less hard than me though

You’re awesome! Unfortunately, I think the best option, in this case, is just to stay put for my morning flight. Here’s to trying to fall asleep in an airport! lol

I appreciate you! Turns out it doesn’t matter if the hotels are covered or not anyway, as there are no easily-findable hotels with open rooms 😂😅


You got it! This followed us sitting on the runway for hours. I understand there was a brief bad weather event. Don’t completely understand the chain of events that led my hours-later flight to be canceled, but my understanding is the weather cancellation means the airline won’t cover a hotel (gave up on the line and the phone customer service said they’d call me back in more than 4 1/2 hours). Figured out my credit card company has insurance that will cover a hotel stay, but I couldn’t find an open room anyway lol. Now to experience an overnight airport stay for the first time! I feel bad for my cat, but it could be a lot worse. (My post was more to show the impressive length of the line than complain about my “woes,” I promise!) I have a neck pillow, some candy, a book, and a phone, so I’m gonna try to enjoy the novelty of the situation.

Is there a way to figure out why my flight was canceled?Question

I’m sitting in a 100+ yard customer service line in the airport. After multiple dropped calls, the phone line said I’d get a call back in more than 4 1/2 hours. Not even sure it’s worth it to wait for either. There was about an hour of bad weather at Charlotte, and American Airlines desks near me are saying other cancellations were due to weather. Not sure the reason for mine, as it doesn’t say online, but it’s an important thing because I want to figure out if I can get a hotel covered. It was clear for hours before my flight and other AA flights took off around the same time, so I want to be sure.

Jack in the Box after kayaking/hiking would be awesome

“In a news release, the California-based company said it was expanding in Florida, with Orlando and Tallahassee on the list. Jack in the Box is already in Jacksonville and Polk County.”

Five, wow.