I would keep them for now. Eventually I would prefer Ace on the PI set since it has no stat boost and bpd gets a nice stat boost anyway. Also pi is a weaker skill and needs ace more. I run a bpd 333 with fin and touch and it does great. I run a pi dom touch and it’s horrible. My clubmate has ace with pi and it does well

Agree. I think they’re about the same. The main appeal of these parochial schools is they filtered out the worst kids who screwed up education for everyone else. Charter schools have basically taken on this role.

All food was really invented during the Big Bang then. Nothing has been created by man.

It depends what the job is. My special needs brother in law assembles boxes. He doesn’t do it well. And frankly the shipping company he and his home mates do the work for doesnt need them doing it. It is a make work job to give him some dignity and make him feel productive. This job would not exist if they had to pay $15 an hour.

Northern Delaware is a great answer. It’s so close to so many interesting things without being interesting at all itself.

He has double the box office starring in films a decade+ before Sandler, and was one of the biggest box office draws multiple years. If you compare the Beverly Hills Cop franchise, where Murphy was the star draw to the biggest movies in the world at the time, Sandler has never had that pull.

And Murphy was the most successful standup comedian of his time. Adam Sandler isn't even in the same league of peak star power. Box office power rankings all time have Murphy at 9 and Sandler at 66.

I prefer running on asphalt roads generally. The main reason is that where I live, the neighborhoods are more mature, and the sidewalks are uneven. I’ve taken two spills on sidewalks in low light and have bruised myself up pretty well. On the road, I get a much more consistent surface and grade. I also don’t constantly dip for every driveway cutout like I do on the sidewalks. Or have to duck for trees that are improperly trimmed. This is all very helpful if you run fast and for real distance. Sure if you are half ass jogging a mile around the neighborhood it doesn’t matter as much.

As for driving, I personally haven’t see it be an issue. You’d have to be driving way too fast and recklessly for this to pose any real inconvenience or safety hazard.

It makes me feel old that people don’t even realize Eddie Murphy was the biggest star to come out of SNL and it wasn’t particularly close.

This is the natural outgrowth of treating NYC like a luxury product that people should pay more for the privilege of accessing. That was Bloomberg's aim.

I don't know anything about that school specifically. But this is happening everywhere. Esp places where COL is so high that it's either the poor and rich. The mid tier private schools, esp the parochial ones, that gave middle class families a non public option are under enormous strain. Some of this is charter schools exploding in popularity. Part is working families having to leave the city. Part is financial strain for those who remain.

STs only gives intangibles v opposite hand pitchers. Can't rely on it every AB unless a switch.

I am confused why Bregman is in your lineup. It doesn’t seem like you need bats tbh.

I have HH Spot 5T and HH BIU 5T. The spot set is dramatically better.

3 of the worst ones came up on my main. Hoskins 17, Howard 15 and Bohm 20. So 3/5 worst sigs.

Then on my alt, similar except also a jt dupe

Trash game. Lmao

Slugger. HH calls for Hr based second skill

Thanks man. My S tier in my main is Bowa. My A tier is Harper 20/21 or Stott. That's on my main. On my alt it's Hoskins19/Santana18/Bohm23 as S tier and Stott or Bowa as A tier

Wait for a dodger. I see multiple primes a week now

Severance is surreal with elements of dark comedy. Nothing like Silo. Not a show but I would recommend the movie Dual. Very similar vibe.

I also think Fallout shares some of the comedic surrealism.

Anyone with a cursory knowledge of Russia knows it is Putin’s dream to recreate the Soviet Union.