Anything that requires talent and ability that I do not possess

So basically everything

I doubt she was late serving you because she thought you'd be bad tippers. More likely:

You were in a closed section and the host didn't tell her you were her table

She may have forgotten to get to you

Maybe she had a very long and exhausting day and had a lapse in awareness

Don't chalk up a situation to malice that could easily be an innocent mistake. Now if service as a whole was lackluster, sure then maybe she thought you'd be a shitty table. But if she just took a long time to greet you, but service was great, then the points listed above were more likely than her not wanting to serve you

The only thing that confused me was how do you get that far in life with no lisence? The test isn't even hard or especially expensive compared to the effort to not get pulled over or the consequential money you'd have to pay for not having one, plus the jail time this guy is doing. I don't know what the original charge was, but the judge probably added on time for this guy blatantly driving without a liscence

No usually cats will sleep in/on everything except their bed(s)

Pits notoriously have anxiety. Remember these are the same dogs that destroy EVERYTHING when left alone. Doors. Walls. Wire cages. As this dog gets older, they're only going to get worse. Get rid of it now before it gets to a point where you have thousands of dollars in destruction, the dog seriously mails someone, or jumps on you a bit too hard and kills your baby.

Not in a group chat, no. More like in person and you always ask permission to show your friends instead of just whipping it out

Dude. It's a pit mix doing pit mix things. Get rid of the dog. Get an "easier" breed that's family friendly, like a retriever or small breed. There will always he more dogs to get attached to. You're literally PREGNANT. As someone who had a rescue while pregnant, return the dog. It's not worth the stress and possible injury to your baby. If hubby and brother wanna bitch, let them. You and that baby's safety are #1

Looks like $97.90 for the total

More like why everything

I had a customer grab my arm as I was trying to rush off after taking an order and tell me I needed to slow down. Like dude, I have other tables than just you. I'd love to stand around and chit chat, but I got bills to pay

Sicknesses involved with staying intact, like pyometra, certain cancers, etc

Growing up, I had a pool in my backyard and my mom was teacher.

It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Just eat it and feign ignorance if questioned about it