
My husband and I adopted a dog from an animal shelter in our town as we desperately wanted a pet and felt like we were in a good space to take one in. Leading us to getting our 1 year old dog when she was about 10 months old. She’s a pitbull golden retriever mix and we’re her second home so far and I’m starting to understand why.

I hate to say it but she’s impossible to deal with, she gets into everything, she pees everywhere (we put her leash on her, she pees. We try to move her off the couch she pees. We call her to us, she pees. No aggression from us at all.) she’s bitten my husband, she’s jumped on my stomach 3 times now (I’m 4 months pregnant, one time caused bleeding and a trip to the hospital. Baby is fine)

We just can’t get her to behave or be trained. I’ve paid for training and tried all the advice I’ve been given and nothing works. The stress and anxiety I feel from this dog is starting to get to me. I’m starting to realize I just flat out don’t like her anymore and it makes me feel like an awful person. I just can’t handle her and I don’t know how to get her to stop peeing everywhere and destroying stuff.

My husband and his 15 year old brother who lives with us full time are extremely attached and getting rid of her just isn’t an option at this time due to the attachment and fear of what’ll happen to her, but I don’t know what to do. Am I a bad person for feeling this way? Having her just makes me so anxious. I’m completely lost.