They eat Guinea pigs?

They were originally domesticated for their meat, and cuy remains quite popular in several South American countries.

Because I don’t speak the languag that’s that guy is speaking

Huh?!? He's speaking English, and yours seems just fine, based on your post.

As for what he's saying, he's standing there speaking at the invitation and behest of her campaign staff.

One would think that if he said something she disagrees with, she'd comment about it, yet nothing has been said by her campaign.

Assuming you still own it outright, then they did just charge it off,

That's a false assumption, and that's not how that works.

They never did own it outright, and they never will, unless an incredibly unlikely series of events happen.

There are so many people hating in these comments


Sea salt is fine,

Nobody said otherwise.

I see you were one of those that fell for the fear-mongering bullshit.

"Pink slime" is nothing more than finely-ground meat, which was around for decades and never went away.

Because her interests aren't those of the residents of Minnesota or those of the United States?

The calculator simply assumes a minimum draw of 39 watts. The fact that you only draw 35 watts simply means it will last a bit longer.

Do you think they would still repossess?

Nah, nothing has changed as far as affecting whether or not it's worth going to the trouble of repossessing it. If anything, used car prices are dropping, which is in your favor.

You can't sell it if you don't have a clear title, but you can keep driving it, or sell it for parts. When you do so, they're, wink-wink, not buying the car, just almost all of the parts from it, which is why you can do so without a clear title.


If the title is only in OPs namas the commenter discussed, how is ownership determined to not be the title owner?

Where does it say that OP has the title and no lienholder? The normal presumption is that the financer has it, as that is overwhelmingly the norm.

It's extremely likely the bank still has the title, but doesn't think it's worth the money to actually repossess the car.

To think that the lender financed the vehicle without a lien is just fanciful.

So you own the car, do as you please with it.

No, they don't. The bank still owns it, which prevents you from selling it. Other than that, you're home free.

The other chicken runs away from her terrified.

It's a dominance thing with the pecking order. The other chicken will quickly learn that if she doesn't bring none, won't be none.

Not funny.

Duh. This is /r/jokes. Just what the hell did you expect?

Or, get this, you can use the actually appropriate hex driver bit.

It's coming back, since educators had forgotten that it also helps hone fine motor skills.

I've published papers about rocket engines in engineering journals

That just goes to show one can have book smarts without having any common sense.

We started with "Boeing is responsible." In the context of Boeing being the company that was contracted to build Starliner, they're the only ones responsible for choosing the suppliers and components that they did.

Sure, Boeing can sue their suppliers, but that has nothing to do with Boeing's responsibilities in regards to their contract.

To the main deck.

This was a mockup for a belly lounge, not an upper deck lounge.

Nice strawman. You don't seem to be able to grasp any of the concepts here, do you?

That's not how that works. NASA had a contract with Boeing, not the company that made the thrusters.

You do realize that the department handling starliner has absolutely nothing to do with the department handling the airplanes right?

No, I don't. They're the same company, controlled by the same C-Suite.

The cancerous business philosophy that created the problems at Boeing originated all the way at the top.

I was on the call and Boeing was pretty adamant that starliner can get home,

At this point, nobody gives a damn what their opinion is.

You think Boeing makes the thrusters?

They selected and used the thrusters. It's their responsibility.