Jokes: Get Your Funny On!

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Married couple discussing erectile disfunction with a surgeon. "Well medication is not helping so we would have to operate. You have 3 options"

"We can do reconstruction of your pubococcygeus muscle.

Level 1 surgery will enable you to get 1 erection a month. That costs £10,000.

Level 2 surgery will enable you to get 1 erection a week. That costs £20,000.

Level 3 surgery will enable you to get 1 erection a day. That costs £30,000.

I'll pop out for some coffee give you both some time to decide next steps"

20 minutes later he came back to the office. "How you two getting on, decided yet?"

Husband. "Yes, we have decided to get a new kitchen"

A wealthy couple went out for the evening to a formal dinner party.nsfwLong

The wife wasn’t having a good time at the party, so she told her husband she would leave early to go home. He stayed there, socializing with important clients.

As the woman walked into her house, she found their butler Alfred by himself in the dining room. She called him to follow her, and led him into the master bedroom.

She turned to him and said, in a voice she knew he must obey, “Alfred, I want you to take off my dress.”

This he did, hanging it carefully over a chair. “Alfred” she continued, “now take off my stockings and garter belt.”

Again, he silently obeyed.

“Now, Alfred, I want you to remove my bra and panties.”

Eyes downcast, he obeyed. Both were breathing heavily, the tension mounting between them.

She looked sternly at him and said, “Alfred, if I ever catch you wearing my stuff again, you’re fired!”

A young man wakes up with a black eye after a night of drinks (Translated from German)

A young man wakes up with a black eye after a night of drinks.
He stumbles into the living room to ask his parents if they know what happened to him last night.

His father sits him down and says:
"Son, when you go out to drink and get absolutely shitfaced, that's ok, it happens."
"When you call me a fat, lazy bastard and your mother a stupid whore when we greet you, that's also ok, it happens, you were drunk after all and you didn't mean it."

"But when you take off your pants, shit on the rug, put salt sticks in it and yell "the hedgehog lives here now!", that goes a bit too far."

At the height of a political corruption trial, the prosecuting attorney attacked a witness. “Isn’t it true,” he bellowed, “that you accepted one hundred thousand dollars to compromise this case?” The witness stared out the window, as though he hadn’t heard the question.

“Isn’t it true that you accepted one hundred thousand dollars to compromise this case?” the lawyer repeated. The witness still did not respond. Finally, the judge leaned over and said, “Sir, please answer the question.” “Oh,” the startled witness said, “I thought he was talking to you.”

A man in a bar starts talking to a prostitute...nsfwLong

He says “how much for a hand job?” She says it’s £250. He says, “ £250 for a lousy hand job? That’s crazy! “She says, “Honey, follow me" and takes him outside. “See that Ferrari? I bought that Ferrari just with money from hand jobs. I give the best in the world” So he figures he’ll try it, and what do you know, it’s great. It’s a week before he’s horny again. So he goes back to the same bar and asked her about a blwjob. She says "it’s £500. He thinks that’s too much. She says, “Honey, come out back. See that mansion up on the hill? I bought that mansion with just money from blwjobs. I give the best blw jobs.” So he takes her up on it and it’s amazing. He’s absolutely drained for a month. Now he’s obsessed and he has to go back. He finds her in the bar. Desperately, he says “I gotta know, how much for the pssy?” “Oh honey,” she says, “If I had one of those I’d own this town.”....

Updating the fiancee

“Before we get married,” the man said to his fiancée, “I need to confess to some affairs I’ve had in the past.”

“Oh, but you told me all about them a few weeks ago,” she reminded him.

“Yes dear,” he explained, “but that was a few weeks ago.”

What do you get when you cross human DNA and goat DNA?nsfw

You get kicked out of the petting zoo.

I fell asleep in church but got up when I heard the preacher say, "Stand up!" And when I did, the whole congregation burst into applause.

Then the preacher said, "Thank you, Kathleen! And who else loves God enough to donate $2,000?"

A priest, a minister and a rabbit walk into a barWalks into a bar

What you having says the barman, the rabbit replies, I don't know, I'm only here because of autocorrect.

A Latino magician said he could disappear by counting to three.

Uno, dos...

POOF He disappears.

He was gone without a tres.

I was sitting in a bathroom stall doing my business, when suddenly the guy in the next stall...

asks “Hey man, how are you doing?"

A little confused I replied: “good, I guess.”

To my surprise the guy continued with: "What ya doin'?"

Despite being even more confused I manage to mumble: “Oh. I guess the same as you."

Without any hesitation in his voice he said: "Cool. Do you want me to come over and help you out?"

A bit scared, I replied as firmly as I could: "Hey man, I really appreciate the offer and all, but I am not into that kinda stuff and doing all fine here and......"

…before I could finish my sentence the guy said: "Hang on a minute John, there is this weird guy in the neighbour stall, who is replying to eveything I say."

I hate seeing my girlfriend work in the household without me helping,

so I always go to another room and close the door behind me, so I don't have to see that.

A visit to an antique shop will not turn you gay

but it may make you buy curios.

A Bosnian guy named Muyo was getting married. So with his friend, Haso, discusses how it went

"Well, the first girl came and I asked her what's two plus two. She said four. She's a smart girl"

"Then a second girl came and I asked her what's two plus two." "Well that depends, it can be four, but it can be three or five". "This girl is a philosopher,!"

"Then, a third girl came and I asked her what's two plus two." "If you say it's four, then it's four. If you say it's five, then it's five." "A humble and submissive, a perfect wife!".

Ok, Muyo, which one did you end up marrying?"

"The fourth one, with the biggest tits."

An elderly Jewish man is on his deathbed.

An elderly Jewish man is on his deathbed. Summoning his last bit of strength, he lifts his head and whispers: "Is my beloved wife Sarah here with me?" And Sarah says, "Yes, I am here."

He then asks, "Are my children -- my wonderful children -- are they here with me?" And they reply, "Yes father, we are here with you to see you breathe your last."

And then he asks, "Are my brothers and sisters here with me as well?" And they too tell him that they are here.

So the old man lays back quietly, closes his eyes, and says, "If everybody is here ... why is the light on in the kitchen?"

How many work here?

The new owner comes to inspect the factory, and asks: how many are actually working here. The manager smiles and says, I'd say about half of 'em.

World's Greatest Jewish Joke (according to Jerry Seinfeld)

Two Gentile businessmen meet at a conference. One says, "Harry, how's business?"

And Harry says, "Great!"