Throw a couple triplets in there to get things goin

Blue. I got it with the backrest, but I'm not using it anymore. It hurt my posture because I would constantly be leaning back into it if it's there

Roc n soc all the way babeeeee. I just got it a few weeks ago and it's my favorite piece in my kit

Have you seen the Warcraft episode of South Park? I imagine a cross between the old fat slob and Cartman when he's calling his mom to bring his bedpan

We just can't imagine what they were thinking. We have 2 boys under 8 and it's the scariest thing we have to deal with. We never talked politics because we knew they were libs, but didn't think they subscribed to the insanity.

And still, you could just practice more to get better on the bad hardware

I think my wife just let go of her college girlfriends because they brought their kids (6 and under) to the pride parade in our city. It's really sad how many people we know got sucked into this madness

Lol that's my wife any time I leave for more than an few hours. It's tough when you're not the main parent

It really makes a world of difference. I had oldheads on my kit forever until I got decent. I put new ones on and now these puppies sing

I was just commenting on the prices at the big shops in my city. I don't buy that because yes, it is indeed a huge ripoff

You're an accountant? Or have a degree in accounting? Huge difference

Yeah I guess if you buy the garbage dirt weed. Idk what it's like on the coast but over here they still want 60 for an 8th of the good stuff.

Try Wuhan crash cymbals. They're b20 bronze and not expensive at all. They sound wonderful

Wuhan has great chinas and they don't break the bank

Having to take a ferry with incoming enemy boats boarding from all sides would be intense

Seattle would be a cool setting with the constant rain

I didn't start until 19. I can shred now