Whatever you do don’t look behind you if feel like you’re being watched while playing the game. If you do, your computer will brick, and all the power in your counties power grid will fry, knocking power out in the entire area for just enough time for the shadow to take hold in your house and then begin to spread.

I also forgo the flashlight/generator. But I am willing to use the generator for big objectives, I don’t feel the need to raise the brightness. At default brightness I can navigate perfectly fine the amount visible for me from Henri’s eyes adjusting to the dark is enough to creep around, and walk when the beast is and isn’t around.

With enough Vitae anything is possible

One more skull and you’d unlock the secret portal directly to the Inner Sanctum

Ravenclaw 3

Idk it’s pretty fucking odd having a kid kiss their aunt, like there’s no two ways about that. I don’t think it being hypothetically on Fanfiction.net would change anything in that regard.

Lmao fuck these no life losers who hack shit like this. How about instead you hack Netanyahu’s fucking shit considering he’s actively committing genocide against Palestinians? Or idk hack the tech companies that have been exploiting third world countries for minerals like fucking Coltan? God these fucks are stupid as fuck. Downvote me all you want, it ain’t changing the facts of world events lmao.

I don’t normally pick favorites so I’m only participating cause this is a thread, but if I had a gun to my head I’d go with Daryl or Beth, just really vibed with both of them. But the show has so many good characters that I can’t really pick.

That’s so fucking funny, honestly this sounds like canon, like almost all these interactions I read on this subreddit always feel strangely in-universe and I have no fucking clue why, hahaha.

Considering how long he was in that Volcano in KOTM it’s clear he was just inhaling mega weed the whole ass time. Only reason he stopped is because he took such a big hit that the volcano busted.

I feel like they might wanna do something completely different, since it’s been two Amnesia’s pretty much back to back. I mean I’m not gonna complain either way, if they’re still inspired to make their next game Amnesia then that’s fine. But something feels like this might be the time where they branch out and do something radically different. Always nice to have some contrast here and there. But yeah whatever they end up doing, I’ll be there day one. They’re my favorite studio hands down.

Agreed it’s my second favorite Amnesia game, it was the scariest one for me until The Bunker.

Personally I think The Bunker is massively better than Alien Isolation, the beast for one does things the Alien cannot. So on that level it’s more refined and way better imho. Also, Bunker doesn’t overstay its welcome. Alien Isolation while an amazing game goes on too fucking long.

This is very true, there are two notes in particular that really only hit once you’ve played Rebirth/Bunker. Stuff I never thought about till having played them. So if Rebirth is the first time someone experiences Amnesia it’ll definitely enhance playing the older games and even The Bunker itself.

Loved reading this, the Beast is truly one of the best enemy AI’s in horror. Originally I would have said the Alien from Isolation; but the Beast truly is way more threatening, I remember I was hiding under a table (a tactic I relied heavily upon in Isolation) and the fucker straight up smashed the fucking table hahaha. Gave me a god damn panic attack.

I would love if they took it in the angle of what inspired all the artwork of Baphomet in our world, but obviously take it in a Kaiju direction.

Change soon? What do you mean? It’s still not available to play easily, at least I still own my copy on Steam, but that’s not everyone. So I don’t know what you mean.

I would’ve yawned if they were Klingon, I loved that they brought the Breen back.

I want to add that while the ending might not appeal to everyone I love that the game has a very “up to the player” way of approaching the ending, there’s multiple endings and each one adds another layer of mystery and even one of them is a direct reference to Dark Descent, so for me I like to use my imagination rather than have the game do all the legwork, it meets me halfway, and gives me enough to have some fun thinking of some headcanon type things. I adore endings like this, but I will fully admit it’s a personal preference and it won’t appeal to everyone.

The origins of Manbearpig, I’m being very cereal.

I don’t think the game is necessarily trying to scare you in the way you think, this game is more philosophical and psychological than strict “horror” yes there are elements meant to add tension and unease, and there are definitely horror moments, but the overall message of the story jumps ahead of all of that, at least in my opinion.


They did plan on having a mutated bigger rat, but they didn’t feel like it would work. I personally think the beast and the rats are enough, the bunker is intentionally a very personal horror experience, adding another enemy would just clog an already perfectly balanced horror experience, if people want more enemies play Dark Descent or the Penumbra games. The Bunker is intentionally claustrophobic and having another enemy type would just crowd it up to a point that I think it would lose the essence of what makes this tight experience flow so nicely. Of course, it’s all subjective I’m not saying OP is wrong for feeling how he feels I’m just offering my perspective.

Currently having to do this with everything not just religion, my mom is uber Christian and Conservative, it’s the most frustrating aspect of my life. But I can’t just leave, cause I have massive health issues from a chest surgery I was forced to undergo without my consent cause I “wasn’t 18” it is absolutely fucked living in the south, I hope someday I can just be myself, and if not it is what it is.

“I can’t see shit it’s too bright, who the fuck are you guys?”