Tips for The Bunker

First time player. At a few hours in, just wanted to share my tips for what’s been helping me stay alive :) sorry if some of these are obvious.

-Don’t bother with the generator/flashlight. I think fuel is more useful for petrol bombs. If you play in the dark with your brightness all the way up I t shouldn’t be too tough to see what’s going on. I feel like the flashlight is also a waste of time and kinda loud/annoying.

-Drop items in the safe house. Be careful where you drop bottles because they can roll under stuff. If you stand in front of the shelf by the item storage and drop items you can use one row of the shelf to store items. If you crotch next to the shelf while facing it you can use the bottom shelf. I throw all my fuel next to the generator and items I used to craft on the table in the generator room. I use the storage box to store meat since idk if it will attract rats in the room or not (haven’t tested it out lol)

-I think the best weapon against the beast is the petrol bomb. One will make him run away and it’s quick to throw

-Some might consider this cheating but oh well. Since you’re not given an actual map I took a picture of the map (after it fully updated) and marked off where ive looted, where there is a lock/blocked path, and what rooms have stockpiles/the safe house. I just took a picture and used the draw feature in my photo album (iPhone)

  • Burn the bodies to prevent rats

-When the beast breaks something like a box or a door I crotch and move the debris in a pile off to the side so I don’t step on it and make noise

Newer player so I probs missed some ones :) feel free to add suggestions in the comments