So I started a new playthrough, except this time with the survival mod. It’s a mod that overrides a TON of the stuff about the game. It tweaks how the creature acts, key item locations, light mechanics, and way more.

Little did I know that this would make the creature probably smarter than 16 Harvard graduates combined iq. Like it’s got the brains big time. And I have the story to prove that.

I was going to soldier quarters to try and explore for resources in the dark. No generator, I couldn’t risk loosing the liquid gold that is fuel. So with my monster truck volume flashlight, I set off through the corridors. All was good at first. I would wind my light every 15 seconds or so just to keep the light going with minimal noise. But then I hear him pass overhead. He knew where I was going. That didn’t worry me though, I’ve seen and heard that thousands of times already.

As I rounded the corner into the main hallway of soldier quarters, opposite of the communications room, I see him. Probably 10 feet ahead of me. Waiting patiently, sitting in one spot not moving a muscle. He knew exactly when I would show up. Like any sane person, I flipped my ass full 180 and headed for the safe room. Full speed, not looking back, hoping that my flashlight charge would last me til I got there. As I came up on the main hall that leads to the room, I heard a sound that made me reconsider who I was going up against. It was galloping heading down the hall from where the main bunker entrance is, I round the corner to see him a little ways down sprinting full force towards me. No way I could get into the room in time to lock the door.

So again, full 180, and back into soldier quarters I go. At this point my flashlight was fading fast, so I had to trust in my knowledge of all the turns and such. Except what I had failed to notice was the the unrelenting train engine force tailing me wasn’t behind me anymore. I was too panicked to notice.

And as I got to the bottom of the soldier quarters stairs I I heard the same galloping, except coming towards me from inside the soldiers quarters, I looked down the main hall to see him barreling towards me, foaming at the mouth, and wanting me dead. AGAIN, I flipped full 180 and headed back up the stairs, but this time, I was too slow. He gripped my head and crunched my face into a ball.

Ficking bonkers. The height that my ass lifted from my seat was astonishing. I couldn’t believe how perfectly executed his plan was. That was something that required legitimate critical thinking to pull off, yet, here I am writing this post about it.

I just love this game cause I haven’t run out of things to see, after beating it like 9 times, on all different difficulties.