A part of me would like that just so i can play with my friends on equal footing.

It grinds my gears when they’re retreating or chasing and ignoring their magic wand made them die or let a kill get away (among many other beginner challenges).

Is there a reason for the prevalence of specifically core only players mass producing them? Or is it just a coincidence that the players mass producing them are core players?

Tifa or Clive actually, rather than Sephiroth.

Tifa makes the most sense, but I like Clive more even though he’s a super powered kaiju weapon user.

Oh god. My condolences lol. Pretty much just as bad as my death to a ‘glitch’ as well.

My many-months old character died to the escalator bug, where if you run along the left edge of the escalator you can sorta ‘clip’ into a secret hallway underneath the escalator. This hallway is only a little room, and is a dead end. The problem is zombies can easily follow you into it, so I unintentionally cornered myself in the Mall while weaving through packs of zombies.

Is trying to walk shoulder to shoulder through hordes a bad idea? Usually. But super unfair to get punished by accidentally clipping into a dead-end room, with no time to plan an escape. From then on, I’ve decided I’ll be willing to pause and pull up console/cheat commands if something super glitchy and unfair happens to me.

If as some insist he really did use a “Force Scream” then they definitely should’ve made it more obvious with more deliberate visual, audio, and actor performance telegraphing.

Most horror games.

Growing up, horror games were too cool to me that for some reason I’d force myself to push through them. Maybe because I spent so much money on them. But now, I just tell myself they’re not worth the stress and don’t touch them.

Also on a side note I feel like horror games have become a lot more horrifying. Only “old” horror games that really terrified me were Amnesia and Outlast, but in a way those felt like the advent of modern horrors.

The way it stands there upright in the water just staring makes it look like it’s the token demon in a supernatural horror movie, like baphomet or a goat thing or something.

Make it night time, give the kangaroo eyes some camera flash, and make most of the clip just it standing there; and you got yourself the bad guy reveal in a horror movie.

I’m an old returning player, is pulling enemy lane creeps as an offlane BH/NP/Lycan just gone now?Discussion

I’m a 2014 player, trying to get the hang of modern dota. My new hero of interest is Lycan and I was playing around with wolf micro and tried doing lane creep pulls between T1 and T2 then realized the creeps were way less interested in my wolves than I remember.

Then I found the 7.27 patch notes about creep cutting nerfs.

In the Radiant offlane it’s quite micro intensive to pull the creeps, avoid neutral camps, not let my wolves die, maintain the lane creep aggro, and do it before my wolves despawn. In the Dire offlane it was way more difficult as there’s way more trees in the way, and it’s too close to where the enemy support would be hanging around anyways.

Is creep cutting essentially dead now? Any fancy lane manipulation micro I can do with Lycan wolves other than blocking camps? (Ofc I’m still just beginning to pick up Lycan so I was already a novice to lane manipulations with minions anyways).

Oh man, the number of games I must’ve ruined as a clueless 9 year old playing Dota 1. Did manage a couple of kills as Slayer though lol.

If u have 3000 games, sounds like you enjoy dota.

I don’t see a reason to lose reason to keep playing just ‘cause you’re stuck at a certain rank.

I’d only be concerned about ranking if there is something practical to gain by going up a rank like idk, a more populous rank or something, but I have no idea what the rank distributions are across the population.

If you think about it, a large large majority of people don’t improve. If most people did, then the highest rank should steadily comprise a larger % of the population over time, unless dota consistently compensated with a constant influx of new players and continued growth of overall population count; but probably none of these are true.

There shouldn’t be anything inherently wrong with 900 MMR; just as you can be anxious about your rank, so too might someone triple your MMR be just as dissatisfied. It doesn’t matter.

Yes, Centaur is straightforward I agree.

But I don’t give them rigid, limiting guides because they don’t feel like expanding, but because I’ve been monitoring their performance myself.

So telling them to get a grip won’t do much.

Maybe it isn’t. But at least they’re enjoying it.

When I was new to Dota, even for the first several months, I remember being quite intimidated by trying to bring the most output I could to a teamfight, while playing a (support) character with 4 active abilities and stacked with multiple items like Blink, Force, Euls, and Scythe all at once. It can be quite overwhelming for some people to even remember to use certain items.

I’ve been seeing some comments here recommending adding at least Blink Dagger, since it’s a proactively used item, so I may add that in to their guides soon.

How good/passable would Centaur, Slardar, and Bristleback be with only passive items?Discussion

I make extremely simplified in-game guides for my super-novice friends including rigid linear item builds, skill builds that usually avoid putting in value points to reduce the number of buttons to juggle in the early game, and almost always only include items that have no active effect. The only activatables I regularly put into their guides are Arcane Boots and Magic Wand, and even then I still see them die while retreating when Wand would’ve saved them. So for now, Wand is their baby’s-first-step to actually using items.

My friends have mostly been hovering around CM, Veno, VS, Aba, Viper, Warlock, and Jakiro; but I want them to start playing some strength frontliners because a lineup like CM, Veno, Aba, Warlock is sometimes too flimsy.

A lot of frontline strength heroes are Blink Dagger users, but my friends aren’t ready to use that item. What are your guys’ thoughts on the usability of those 3 heroes I mentioned, without using any actives like Blink, Blademail, or BKB? I’m gonna guess Bristle is the best out of the 3 using just passives, but how ‘doable’ is Slardar and Centaur?

I’m a cis man who does not have leg hairs. What does that make me?


I agree. If drow can go uncontested, or at least be protected by her team, whether than be an Abaddon, Oracle, SD, or even her own frontliner like Axe, Clockwerk, etc. she can shred.

And even if she’s not literally ‘shredding’ the enemy to bits instantly, she’s applying strong aoe slows and anti-healing, from long range too, which’ll be much easier against a bunch of typically melee and typically frontliner strength heroes which will likely bunch up.

If the enemy strength heroes are a bunch of initiators, mobile, or blink users, then it becomes a game of chicken whether drow’s team can survive long enough to let drow show up late to the fight uncontested, or if drow will feel forced to show her presence to a fight early and potentially get jumped on.

I play Tekken, if you do too then you’ll understand the following perspective easily:

A 0.5s Doom is like a 30 frame move in Tekken (because Tekken is played at 60fps). If the stomp is 0.4s, then that’s 24 frames.

Most competent Tekken players can block a 30f move, but even then, a lot (even professional Tekken players) will fail to block it if it has an unusual or weird animation. Most 30f moves that everyone can block have easily recognizable animations.

However, around 25f and faster is when moves start to be considered unreactable. There are some pros that have done so much training to react to even 22f moves, but even then that’s rare among pros, and only after that particular pro has done so much training specifically defending against that one move, additionally it probably only works in offline tournament play with zero lag.

Doom being a “30f move” and Stomp being a “24f” move definitely makes a difference when even in fighting games, where it’s not a top down view, only two players, no economy and shop, no team play, only a small arena, and no multitasking, people can no longer react to moves that are 25f or faster.

Ff is final fantasy.

I never played the last of us, but she looked like a girl in the first one and the trailer material for the second one makes her look like a full on teenager

The deuteragonists of both God of War 2018 and Plague Tale are boys.

The youngest playable character of FF13 is a boy (or is Hope a teenager? Idk).

In FF16, much of Clive’s drive and purpose revolved around his brother Joshua who was a boy.

Aside from anime/waifu/loli/gatcha land, I actually can’t think of many adolescent girl characters, other than Last of Us. I suppose there was that short Hufflepuff teenage girl from the Hogwarts game.



Skyrim (but maybe not too high difficulty, ‘cause eventually it devolved into a bullet sponge fest)

Yes, hack n slash like 16, but actually make it a complete robust combat system with just as much responsiveness and variety of accessible moves as well known hack n slashes like DMC and Bayonetta.

Could try playing some of those arcade, or community, or special event game modes that Blizzard releases temporarily.

Those are usually sillier and more casual than ranked/unranked, so your new player friend could use that as a safe place to get his feet wet to overwatch.

Ofc it wont be the same gameplay as actual unranked, but from the perspective of someone completely brand new to OW, I think it would serve just fine.