I thought these weren’t even Grand Rapidans terrorizing down the street. If I remember what I read correctly, these assholes came to town to protest all the Catholic Polish and Lithuanians. The city spent the next decades redlining folks though but did not welcome the Klan.

My now 11 year old spent the first 3 years of her life on a second shift schedule. It’s entirely plausible that OOP’s toddler sleeps until 10.

Wow, I clicked on his comment history after your comment. Men that have a healthy active consensual sex life do not need to go on Reddit rating tightness of anuses.

Wait, you’re telling me my uncle did not die from respiratory failure in December of 2020? It wasn’t a virus that caused his lungs to give out? Tell me more!

Yes. I work 32 hours a week and make good money. I’m also a college dropout but I know 90% of people won’t have the same luck I do.

I was in a restaurant’s bathroom and a woman in her 60s with a cane knocked on the handicapped stall shouting, “an actual disabled person needs to use this stall”. I could see the wheelchair wheels from under my stall. A few moments later, the woman in a wheelchair opened the door and apologized for taking so long.

Bosna. That lepinja bread slaps.

I appreciate this wholesome content. You know the saying if you’re disappointed, you’ll tell 10 people. If you’re pleased, you’ll tell 1. Good to support local businesses.

Glad to see Chuck is making something of himself after Algoma Township kicked him out of his house for all the tires in the yard.

Just you wait for the first time you tell someone you don’t carry cash and they come back with asking for Venmo or Cashapp. Michigan courts ruled panhandling is a 1A right so there’s signs on every corner around my metro area. Some of these signs now include how to electronically send money.

I was born in ‘85 but I remember teenagers watching us that late.

Ah man, what’s wrong with Al Bos? I admit I only buy their raw ċevap at the market because my mother in law can make a mean dish but this is painful to read.

I haven’t been to both Vivant and Stella’s since pre Covid but this matches up with what I’ve heard. We built a house on the NE side and pretty much have been over here since 2020. The one I can think of that has gone downhill since then would be Rio Grand.

Interesting. I haven’t been in the industry since like 2005 but I remember when my manager would help when we were swamped and he would give whatever tips he received to the server that had the section saying he wasn’t allowed to collect tips. I hate at my local establishment that she participates but it doesn’t directly impact me.

Wait, I know of a place where the owner participates in the shared tip pool but claims she is serving/bartending when she accepts her cut. I knew it was unethical and shitty but I appreciate your response.

Meh, their science is very outdated. I’m O- and my local blood bank calls regularly.

No, I know plenty of people pride themselves on being so woke/progressive/feminist that they would have such a hard time turning off that identity and just embracing a cultural tradition.

Norovirus is pretty active in our community currently.

I have no problem with the request, it’s the need for free shit to be dropped off that grinds my gears.

I saw her again tonight. I could not stop thinking about her being on a Real Housewives with your specific comment.