Storage help

I know almost nothing about PS consoles after the PS2 Era. Looking for info on creating an external storage device for a cousin. I have a 1TB external SSD. What format should it be, will I need to partition the drive?

Her console is a PS3 that has ps1/ps2 compatibility, if that makes any difference.


You could technically role-playing minecraft as a villain. Far as I know, everything in game is killable, including villagers. Idk why anyone would do this, but it's possible

Regarding Andromeda, treat it as a standalone for a better experience.

Serious question: what happens if I opt to not go with either one?

Was walking home from the store and someone's dog got loose and bolted for the road. Got asked how I am still single after assisting with getting their dog back to them. Asked them if they are looking to submit an application. Got called an asshole.

Honestly, I'd delete save data anyway for a fresh run at it. The original MW trilogy is still an awesome trio to play through.

Elder Scrolls Online. I love the game, but I know I'll never claim the Emperor achievement.

Back in 2011, I was taking a class at the local community College, and one of my classmates was someone I hadn't seen in a long time prior to that class. She asked me if I wanted to go back to her place and hang out. It wasn't until a year after that class ended that I realized that she was straight up asking anything. And my dense af ass missed it.

The internet didn't exist, we actually talked to other people when we got stuck in a game. Either in person or on a thing called a landline. Or we bought a book called a strategy guide, assuming one was available.

38? I could have sworn the school system was better back them.

Before reading the text I was wondering when minecraft released a version of Minesweeper

Wasn't too bad. It's a relatively easy game, no difficult achievements. Had a bug on one level that I had to reset 4 times to fix, but otherwise a solid game.

Forza Horizon 4, and all the xbox 360 titles, the 360 titles first focus.