I work 40 hours a week and I’m also a full time student. It’s stressful but manageable if done right. Good luck!

I do live with roommates that would have to be okay with it and flights to where she is are expensive so it would be around $1200 to bring her here and I don’t have that kind of money. Even if I went there I don’t think she would come with me. :/

Do you know how she got into it, if there is a website or something?

I’m sorry, what would you do in this situation ?

It doesn’t seem uncharacteristic per say, she’s always been a “free spirit” talked about traveling but she seems almost manic, her plan changes each month, she doesn’t have an end goal or any focus. She doesn’t have a history of not has she ever been diagnosed with anything. She’s been to the doctor and everything looked fine at least within the past year. We don’t have any other family, my dad lives out of state and she refuses to tell him, they have been separated for years

The timing is the issue more than anything. I’ve told her already and she doesn’t listen i fear I’ve done all I can do.

Not sure exactly what it’s worth but I would say it would be around $5000

I think she wants to sell the car she’s living in now to buy a van

I think she told me she looked into social security and she would get around $900 if she gets it at 62. Which could be enough to rent a room but she really wants to do the van thing.

Mom is homeless and I can’t help

This is somewhat of a long story but l'll try to keep it short and simple. During the pandemic my mother who was in her late 50s at the time and I was in my early 20s, were living in an apartment in Los Angeles. Just for reference l'm a student and my mother has multiple degrees including a PHD but has not had a steady job in over ten years. She received an inheritance after her parents passed away and used it to pay rent for a year at $2400 per month in 2022. By this time I had left for school out of state and hoped that she would have found a job and a cheaper place to rent but she did not. Her inheritance is now gone, she does not have a job she does do gigs and sells things on the side, she did say she applied for jobs and never heard back and blames her age for it, which I know can be a thing. Fast forward to January of 2024 she received a 3 day notice after not paying rent for a year since her inheritance ran out. She did not tell me until May about what was going on. I work full time and most of my money goes to school or bills as I live in an expensive city and have no help from any family. She is now living in her car and I'm not sure how I can help. She does not want to go to a shelter or rent a room. She wants to buy a van to convert but I'm not sure how safe that is. I offered her to come here and stay with me but she does not want to leave LA. She's so far away and I don't make enough to help her. Any advice is really really appreciated

Mom is homeless and I can’t help

This is somewhat of a long story but l'll try to keep it short and simple. During the pandemic my mother who was in her late 50s at the time and I was in my early 20s, were living in an apartment in Los Angeles. Just for reference l'm a student and my mother has multiple degrees including a PHD but has not had a steady job in over ten years. She received an inheritance after her parents passed away and used it to pay rent for a year at $2400 per month in 2022. By this time I had left for school out of state and hoped that she would have found a job and a cheaper place to rent but she did not. Her inheritance is now gone, she does not have a job she does do gigs and sells things on the side, she did say she applied for jobs and never heard back and blames her age for it, which I know can be a thing. Fast forward to January of 2024 she received a 3 day notice after not paying rent for a year since her inheritance ran out. She did not tell me until May about what was going on. I work full time and most of my money goes to school or bills as I live in an expensive city and have no help from any family. She is now living in her car and I'm not sure how I can help. She does not want to go to a shelter or rent a room. She wants to buy a van to convert but I'm not sure how safe that is. I offered her to come here and stay with me but she does not want to leave LA. She's so far away and I don't make enough to help her. Any advice is really really appreciated. I’m scared for her.

She told me she’s applied but maybe she hasn’t. I even sent her many jobs / places that I know are open to hiring people her age. I’m scared that maybe she doesn’t want to work. I don’t know. Or maybe she is applying and just isn’t getting responses.

How do employers figure out the age ? There’s got to be a way to conceal it at least until an interview.

She’s applied for lots of jobs even things like Trader Joe’s and receptionist, retail etc. but I’m not sure if she would even take one if she got it. I think she wants to do more gig work and sell things.

She turns 62 in 8 months and then she will be able to get social security, im worried about what can happen between now and then!

None at all, she smokes some pot here and there but that’s it. No history of mental illness either but she could possibly be on the spectrum.

She got her degrees later in life when she was already in her 50s and claims “she’s aged out” she swears she applied for jobs and just doesn’t hear back. She didn’t have a job stating that “working on the degree was a full time job” as for the van she wants to either find one to rent or sell the car she’s in and use the money to buy it.

She said she likes where she is and has a sense of community, she hates the cold weather of the east coast (where I am) I think more than anything she doesn’t want to change

Mom is homeless and I can’t helpMisc Advice

This is somewhat of a long story but I’ll try to keep it short and simple. During the pandemic my mother who was in her late 50s at the time and I was in my early 20s, were living in an apartment in Los Angeles. Just for reference I’m a student and my mother has multiple degrees including a PHD but has not had a steady job in over ten years. She received an inheritance after her parents passed away and used it to pay rent for a year at $2400 per month in 2022. By this time I had left for school out of state and hoped that she would have found a job and a cheaper place to rent but she did not. Her inheritance is now gone, she does not have a job she does do gigs and sells things on the side, she did say she applied for jobs and never heard back and blames her age for it, which I know can be a thing. Fast forward to January of 2024 she received a 3 day notice after not paying rent for a year since her inheritance ran out. She did not tell me until May about what was going on. I work full time and most of my money goes to school or bills as I live in an expensive city and have no help from any family. She is now living in her car and I’m not sure how I can help. She does not want to go to a shelter or rent a room. She wants to buy a van to convert but I’m not sure how safe that is. I offered her to come here and stay with me but she does not want to leave LA. She’s so far away and I don’t make enough to help her. Any advice is really really appreciated. I love her and I’m scared.

The hotels, and flights are already booked for all cities. The 1200 would be just for food and activities, and transport around the cities specifically.

The hotels, and flights are already booked for all cities. The 1200 would be just for food and activities, and transport around the cities specifically.

Advice on upcoming trip

Hello all, I just seeking some advice on budget for an upcoming trip to Europe. I’m from New York and this will be my first time traveling outside of the country. Will be going in late July to early August. Schedule is as follows Munich - 3 days Milan - 4 days (day trips to Lake como and Venice) London - 3 days

For context all my hotels and airfare is booked but I am wondering how much money I should try to save for food, transportation and simple activities. The most I feel I can save would be $1200. Would love to hear if anyone has had a similar budget and any advice on if this would be enough.