This is somewhat of a long story but I’ll try to keep it short and simple. During the pandemic my mother who was in her late 50s at the time and I was in my early 20s, were living in an apartment in Los Angeles. Just for reference I’m a student and my mother has multiple degrees including a PHD but has not had a steady job in over ten years. She received an inheritance after her parents passed away and used it to pay rent for a year at $2400 per month in 2022. By this time I had left for school out of state and hoped that she would have found a job and a cheaper place to rent but she did not. Her inheritance is now gone, she does not have a job she does do gigs and sells things on the side, she did say she applied for jobs and never heard back and blames her age for it, which I know can be a thing. Fast forward to January of 2024 she received a 3 day notice after not paying rent for a year since her inheritance ran out. She did not tell me until May about what was going on. I work full time and most of my money goes to school or bills as I live in an expensive city and have no help from any family. She is now living in her car and I’m not sure how I can help. She does not want to go to a shelter or rent a room. She wants to buy a van to convert but I’m not sure how safe that is. I offered her to come here and stay with me but she does not want to leave LA. She’s so far away and I don’t make enough to help her. Any advice is really really appreciated. I love her and I’m scared.