They won't give you enough to get addicted. They'll give you enough to safely withdraw.

You absolutely do deserve to be there. You're literally in a potentially life-threatening situation. And you're trying to do the right thing by quitting.

Yeah, a great option in that price range. It has the broadtron style pickups though, which are more closer to Gibson PAF style pickups than the filtertrons that I believe Cheney typically uses.
It's worth checking out the used market - get a used electromatic for the price of a new streamliner. Squier tele's are good options too.

I went through one of the mainstream rehabs and did treatment with a fair number of people who had previously gone through Shalom. Obviously they went to the mainstream treatment because their treatment at Shalom didn't last outside of Shalom. In fairness to Shalom, that's not exactly unusual for any treatment.

I can't say I have any particularly juicy inside scoop , but what I've heard raises alarm bells. Like, there's little, if any, psychological work (i.e. the stuff that makes you use). Work is mostly physical labour, often done just for the sake of physical labour, like move a pile of wood from point A to point B, then move them back to point A again. Apparently pretty incessant with cameras there, which you can see on their facebook. And apparently you get your head shaved for reasons ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

They aren't the only church affiliated rehab in WA, but they do seem to be the only one people want to talk about their religious affiliation with though, which is interesting. A little religion and non-evidence based treatment seeps into even the mainstream rehabs thanks to the 12 step programs.

Drupal (the CMS the site uses), includes lolspeak as a language. Whoever made this page did a lazy one and pulled the list from Drupals list of languages, instead of a separate, more reliable source of truth. This is also why there Traditional & Simplified Chinese.

I'm coming to believe that the only difference between heavy drinkers and alcoholics is that one's still in denial.

We also adopted through SAFE. Super easy to deal with, can't speak highly enough of them.

It's quite common for people to have a bit of a reaction to the idea of calling themselves and alcoholic. It comes with a lot of, mostly false, preconceptions. Sounds like you're bringing your own too.

You admit you have an alcohol problem and that parts of your life are severely disordered because of your drinking. Reading between the lines, it's probably safe to say that you can't just stop drinking, otherwise you would. Sounds like an alcoholic to me.

Newcomers do not go out and drink again because we talk about God in the meetings. What a crock of shit.

You're in denial of reality if you think the God part of the program doesn't turn away non-believers.

I was a pretty hard drinker when I first started listening to him back when Southeastern was new. While he was one of my favourite artists from that point onwards, I've been in recovery for just over 9 months now, and my appreciation for him has definitely deepened because of it.

Isbell plays a few guitar solos on this album too.

I’ve been taking a look at this sub for a few months now, and the other night I googled AA meetings near me but I don’t think I’m quite right to go there. I don’t drink liquor hardly and I only drink in the evenings. I’m 27 and I look 22 when I shave, so showing up seems goofy as hell.

I think you have some incorrect preconceptions about what AA is, because this strikes me as a weird thing to say. Almost sounds more like you're reaching for excuses.

Ashfield's the only one where I've actually been threatened, so that gets my vote. McIver's definitely got the vibes though.

Gretsch had some slightly older Electromatics with mini humbuckers, like the G5235.

Starting detox tomorrow, then rehab in a week!

Wish me luck kind people!

It took a long time for me to acknowledge that I'm just too addicted to be able to quit on my own, so I've entered what seems like an amazing program. I'm super-anxious and a bit of an emotional wreck, but I have to do this so I can be the husband and father my family deserve.

See you on the other side!


From what I've read, if you're hearing an electric guitar on this album, it's Jason

This and Midnight At The Movies are my picks.

I did it around 10 years ago. It was a fun way to spend my mostly single early 20's, but now that I have a wife, kids, dog there's no chance I'd be moving back to the CBD.

Yeah, I'm Australian and also find it hard to relate to that constant fear. But it's heartbreaking to hear that fear in the song.