I was going to send a Pic. But having issues with reddit. Yeah the little bearing in the metal bracket by the gear that the belt sits on. I did loosen the belt some and cleaned it up. But was trying to be proactive and have a bearing on hand to keeo down time a minimum if it fails

This is the bearing by the y axis motor in the back. Near where the belt is

New bearing...

Does anyone know where to snag new y axis bearing for kobra Max 2? Mine looks like it is failing cause I see a lot of little fine black dust around the one bearing.

I checked their store and amazon and didn't see anything.

First car was a 1978 BMW 320i. Had it in high school in 1988.

Looked like the print was messed up, so it thought it's finished cause technically it was? Just looks like lot of spaghetti?

Agree, thinking seam set to random or whatever. I would make sure set to align, or paint the seam where ya want it.

I place a couple drops of otfe oil on the fep screen and rub it around. Not sure if works. But I have never had anything stick to it. As for supports. I fpund lot of help on you tube. Also running it under warm water makes the supports fall.off easy then I cure the print.

Have a kobra 2 max and love it. Large print bed. East to use. Havw a camera hooked up and love the phone app

Click the clean vat button. Before u do that. Put a peice of paper in the resin, then click clean vat. Then grab the paper and pull off the resin from the bottom

Think that's what I'm gonna try next. Thank you!

I figured was something along those lines. I tried the Simplify3d cause recommend by a friend. But not sure worth the money


Any one use Simplify3d? I tried it. Wasn't happy with the supports, couldn't get custom supports to work. Also couldn't get it to find my printer over wifi. So currently in process of getting money back since within 14 day trial. This is for anycubic kobra max 2

I have the 6KS and love it. The new MS pro looks nicer and has wifi. But 6KS will save ya some cash.

To many idiots by me for that to work sadly.

Thanks for your input. I did check the printer head and it seems to print well. I feel it's the rails since I can make the sound with printer turned off and unplugged as well. Sorry, I didn't mention that part. But do like yoyr settings for the z hop. Cause sometimes if I print standard speed I feel it knocks a support loose at times. So I print stable.

Power switch

Is the red power switch on the side of the kobra 2 max supposed to light up? It looks like it should. But mine doesnt.

They are sending me a new fan. But instead of waiting. I went on amazon and bought a 60x60x15 24v fan. Works fine.

Mine does it as well. Was fine first time used it. Second made noise. My guess is fan bearings and crappy fan. In talks with Anycubic currently.

Flex Plate for Photon 6KS

I picked up a Flex Plate from WB (not sure if can say company names). Anyway anyone install one on the 6KS? I saw it came with screws and mention to print a spacer for the z sensor if needed. But wasnt sure if i needed to for the 6KS or not. Or if anyone had any feedback who tried the plates.

Thanks in advance

The 6ks comes pre installed with a screen protector and an extra one. I had tech support confirm this. I made the mistake of installing the extra one on the one already installed. So, I removed it and basically wasted the extra one.