The red ones in the first 2 pictures look like poppies. The second kind of purple flower shown n the 5th picture by the bird bath are a type of iris. I don't know the name of the star-shaped purple ones and I'm also not sure about the last type.

In my 30's now as well. I'm not having kids. Don't want them, couldn't care for them, no one in my life to make them with, wouldn't ever be with someone who wanted them to begin with. I've had a hard life and never got the chance to live on my terms to begin with, you couldn't even give me billion dollars to hand over what time I have left to someone else just to fuck them up in the process as well.

Yeah TBH if after a while no one has done anything... I mean... the people have been identified, right? Give us their deets, we " just want to talk" 🙂

I'm gonna be real with you and tell you these actually look like they have an incredible texture and I'd be VERY excited to try a bite. They look almost like thin blondie squares.

Because American women live in a country where they have NEARLY equal rights and opportunities compared to men so there is no need to sell themselves to some desperate abusive rich dude in an attempt to scam him for long enough to get a better escape plan together and integrate into a fair society where she can live in peace away from a country with fewer rights and resources at the ready.

I'm sorry though, am I understanding the question correctly? "If American women aren't snobby then why can't I just buy one?"

Do they think mail order brides WANT to be that? Bro... it's just a way to get into the country of their choice. Are you fucking that stupid???

These people literally don't understand what other people are, I swear to God they seem think they alone are the only sentient creature in the universe.

Has no one told this guy that you can give YOURSELF a handjob or...?

I'm so sorry that that happened to you.

SO yeah, I can't think of specifically off the top of my head what the exact epiphanies were for me but I have had a few moments were I suddenly found or had someone else put something in different terms and suddenly something clicked like a puzzle and I was like "OH
and then you realize you're not crazy or extra fragile for being traumatized by what happened to you because it was a lot more fucked up than what you were telling yourself happened which was already pretty bad.

-ate for marriage
-No fries
-miss no cock
-ant child

The texture of these looks amazing. I was going to ask if it's done with all light brown sugar and LO! I have an eye for that lol

Hey don't sweat it! I'm hardly a botanist myself, I just like looking at flowers and can't resist trying to chime in when I think i know the answer to something lol. It's actually been a long time since I've had rhododendrons, but there were tons in my childhood home. I'm happy with the little azalea at least.
If/when your rhododendron blooms, expect lots of bees! They are absolutely addicted to those things!

I have some little purple ones! Growing up we had both. 3 types of azaleas ( one with tiny flowers, 2 with larger) and a bunch of rhododendrons. The flowers are super similar but the leaves are different. The rhododendrons are like.. juicier? and the petals are softer. The rhododendrons smell stronger and sweeter too...but from a picture they look so similar! Anyway, they're all wonderful.

OH! I thought the leaves looked more like regular rhododendrons but for some reason I was convinced they were smaller flowers than that and now IDK why because there is nothing in the picture that indicates they are small. I actually had them in this EXACT COLOR in my yard growing up, I'm not sure why my mind went right to azaleas instead lol

WAIT you can block the reddit care messages? Please tell me how ( unless it's a pain to explain then don't worry about it). I only got one once but I never want to get it again, it's such a cheap shot.

It's perfectly valid to be angry about it, especially considering that people usually send those as a way to troll others. I got one before that knew what it was a response to and it wasn't a "We're worried, here is some help" ( it made no sense, I had posted nothing of concern on reddit when I got this but HAD just been in an argument) it was definitely a sly way to say " go kill yourself" by being cheeky. Apparently that's pretty common on reddit.

I'm not claiming the message you got had that intention behind it, I'm just pointing out it's very much known that getting one of those reddit care messages pisses people the fuck off so you're in good company.

I have both and I can't separate the 2, nor am I even sure they are actually 2 different things going on in my brain. Honestly CPTSD gives you ADHD-like symptoms and it's been speculated by some experts in the field of psychiatry that trauma/neglect can cause the ADHD to develop to begin with AND/OR that people *with CPTSD* usually do have ADHD because people's who's brains don't compartmentalize in that way might not even be able to process some types of trauma and survive them. Basically what I'm trying to say is not only can I personally not tell you "which is which", but some believe that if you have CPTSD you likely have what can be diagnosed as ADHD and IDK if they can be separated into entirely different sets of symptoms. Of course you could be diagnosed with ADHD and not CPTSD, but the other way around? IDEK lol

*edited to add*

Translation: We couldn't afford a professional analysis, but it's a lot.

Yes that's why I mentioned them ( actually some of what I thought were dahlias are actually mums... which I think are even more toxic to cats.) Basically this would be very dangerous for a cat to bite into or rub up against. These would be best kept in a room where the cats don't have access.

Baby's breath is dangerous for cats, dahlias are dangerous for cats, some roses can be but mostly itls thorns that are a concern, I'm not even sure what the leaves are but considering how many decoritive lants are poisonous to cats I would say better safe than sorry. Do not let the cats get into these if they nibble on plants.

Ok I want to let you know a few things that might be helpful to keep in mind because I also have severe nerve damage:

Only some types of nerve damage will show up on any kind of standard test. I have it very bad in some places but the nerve lines themselves are not broken or completey nonfunctioning. I got a contrast MRI done to try and assess it when it was at it's worst and nothing came up despite it being very clear that the nerves are both hypersensitive and prone to serious malfunction. My symptoms are not in question, but there was essentially no solid medical proof of the disfunction. Also, the metal in the contrast dye made me severely ill and I never fully recovered so THAT was a great use of my time...
It's also the case that there is an extremely wide variety of things that can cause nerve damage. Sciatica pain can even be from birth defects, chronic poor posture, or just even just prolonged severe stress. For me, I had a lot of other medical issues my entire life. Trauma was a factor for me but it wasn't an extreme physical trauma but prolonged stress, damage from medications, some broader medical neglect, and I was probably born more prone to being medically frial to begin with.

All that is just to say, if you go to the doctor, I wouldn't let the fear of possibilities stop you. You are already aware of one possibility, but there are many others and it's unlikely a doctor will be able to fully confirm or rule out the suspicion. The point would be to see if there's anything to be done to minimize the damage you already have and prevent further in the future. That seems worth it!

oh um.. I did this before but on purpose... ( mine had butter on it)
Same with buttered noodles, I just liked it.

So I can't relate to this specifically, but it does remind me of a friend who's mother would disappear for days and forget to buy groceries and my friend would call me when she hadn't eaten in like three days and we'd have her come stay at my house and make her favorite foods and I'd let her vent. I'd tell her every time to let me know sooner if she didn't have food and then I'd bring her over or at least bring her food and we could hang out. Looking back now, I think it wasn't because she was ashamed or thought I'd say no, but because she was waiting to see if her mom would realize and care and come back and she didn't want to ruin the chance that that might be the time she came home and apologized. :( Unfortunately it got worse, not better.

Do you know the name of the variety in the second picture? It's absolutely stunning. They are all beautiful though.

3 notes:
1. They are still missing the point, huh?

  1. I thought the blue was indicating men at first and saying that all the men wanted to date the bear lol

  2. I actually do almost always like other animals more than humans, but that's not what animal husbandry means, don't get confused now 😂