Also, dude, senile is not the preferred nomenclature. Cognitively-challenged, please.

Just curious which grocery store chain? I get ID’d for N.A. beer all the time in NOVA.

Oh the humanity! The penguins are hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!

Salty snacks, pb&j, blister treatment kit, raincoat, extra pair of socks.

Zat’s why they sent me, I am an expert.

Yes, it is possible. I actually prefer explosive pipe pistol. Mod it to fully auto, add the drum magazine and you’re off to the races.

Use a treadmill. If that’s not practical, join a gym and use theirs. It’ll take you no longer than 1.5 hours to get all your steps in.

Okay, at 9 hours round trip between Phoenix and Pittsburgh (and assuming you don’t have to pay a penny for any time you’re not in the air), at $4200/hr it would be $37,800. Not $50k, but close enough.

Better that you do what you enjoy (that way you’re more likely to stay committed).

Yeah, me too! And the SPAS shotgun. I replayed 3 recently and enjoyed the fact that most guns are not suppressor-compatible, which seems right to me.

Driving up to Pagan’s Palace with The River playing. 💯

Too much micromanagement with the stupid clothes/perks. “Oh I’m driving, I need to change into the clothes that automatically fix my car. Oh, I’m running away now, better get into my speed outfit. Now I’m sneaking, time to change clothes again.” Ditto on the bullet types. So instead I went with one outfit and armor piercing rounds and just dealt with the fact that my character doesn’t really level throughout the game.

I remember playing it on the original Xbox console and it having so many memory problems. Iirc, it initially didn’t have the dispose of corpse option and that caused huge problems with corpses piling up. Honestly it plays great on Series X now.

I plug mine in typically when I get to around 50% capacity. I end up charging about once per week. No problem going to 100% every time as Mini keeps some battery headroom (ie, it’s not really 100%).

Obviously you’re not a golfer.