My daughter is 2.5 years old and this is her favourite nursery rhyme to sing! It made it all the more hilarious to me! Quality stuff haha

Collateral. Heat. Training Day. Falling Down. Nightcrawler. All FANTASTIC films to boot! If you ain’t seen them, go watch them. You’re welcome.

Cruise is seriously impressive with a handgun. I heard they use that scene for training police/military how to draw a gun at close range - that’s how accurate he was with drawing/firing. John Wick vibes, before there was a John Wick ha.

Yes! I remember reading that was completely unplanned! This coyote just appeared, slunk across the street, and they kept the cameras rolling. It also says a lot about the similarity between Vincent and the coyote. Man, what a fantastic movie - one of Cruise and Foxx best IMO.

Also, the song that plays as the coyote appears is very fitting. Shadow on the Sun by Audioslave. The whole soundtrack is perfection tbh.

Check for “Smart App Control” in Windows settings and turn it off if it’s on or in evaluation mode. This helped with Explorer speeds massively for me and all my users.

He gets enough as is! Haha. Happy to share mine with whoever wants/needs it - I do a lot of personal finance content on TikTok these days.

I have a perma one if anyone needs it. Obviously I will also benefit by receiving a free share, but at least the person signing up also gets a free share.

Yup, there’s a reason it’s called “personal finance” - because it is personal.

Great stuff! What are you investing into? VWRL is my biggest investment!

The most difficult thing is to get the goalposts of life to stop moving.

This. You can’t save your way to wealth. You must start investing.

Start investing! Open a S&S ISA if you don’t have one already (I personally use Trading 212, happy to refer you if interested and you’ll get a free stock!) and start buying investments such as the VWRL for the longterm and let compound growth do its thing! 📈

This! I’m happy to share mine with whoever is interested. Last person who used it got a fractional share of Amazon worth £70! But this is completely random of course; the average free stock is usually between £10-£20.

This is something I’ve been saying lately: thank yous don’t pay those bills! Unfortunately.

I don’t work in finance, but I do a lot of personal finance content creation on the side. Ensure you’re paying into your workplace pension and consider upping your contributions; many companies will offer an employer match (you pay in 5% and they will match it - FREE MONEY!) Also, get yourself a S&S ISA and start investing with that too - your future self will thank you!

Solid answer, you can’t go wrong really. I personally use Trading 212, I have a S&S ISA with them (always use a S&S ISA before using a GIA - General Investment Account - as you won’t have to pay tax on any of your gains!) and my biggest holding is the VWRL (Vanguard FTSE All World) - a global ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) with over 3,500 stocks, so diversification is covered in one easy investment.

More people should be investing, the future you will be grateful you did, so don’t delay; start today!

You can move it with ease, I did this earlier with just short of £6K 👌

Yeah, but we can’t time the market, right!? 🤣 (even though I “know” this, I’m slightly guilty of it…)