My partner will be getting a £300 a month pay rise. I am thinking that the first time in a long time we can buy more food during the weekly food shop. What you buy? Edit have added £300 a month second edit my partner and I have discussed what we would do with the money. Also I am not holding his money hostage, I have no access to his money. If we don't have bread, I will txt him and wait until 6pm when he gets home for the bread. He does online shopping but I don't have access to his mobile/tablet as it is password protected. I don't know the passwords. I am a SAHM. I don't get a penny from HIS money. I only get the child benefit to spend on our daughter. She is being assessed for ASD. I am the parent who takes her to her specialist appointments. I am the parent who did her EHCP and attends the school meetings. I am the parent who needs to be available if she needs to come home from school (which does happen) I am the parent who looks after her when she is sick and when she is on school holidays. I do everything around the house. I don't see a penny from his money and might get something new once a year like a pair of shoes from Aldi/Lidl. I hate the fact that I have to put his on as a lot of people are saying that it is his money and he can spend it how he wants. When he does buy something he just does it and I will be told afterwards.*