COD MW 2 (Fatal error: Steam must be running to play this game)

At first, it showed steam_api.dll missing, I downloaded from online and pasted it, and now it's showing the fatal error.

Could you provide a tutorial on using Stable Diffusion in Google Colab?

I've looked on YouTube but couldn't find one!"

Thanks for the help! I solved it by adjusting the settings. Appreciate your help! 😃

🐐ஆடுகள் வெட்டப்படுவதை தடை செய்ய வேண்டும் ! 🙃

Idk, how to say it clearly! I provide my site link.

Scroll down until the bottom, there will be a webview version.

Anyways the thing is: I don't like the normal version on mobile it's like the internet in the 2000's So I want the webview version as my normal/default version to view on Mobile.

Need Help with Blogger Website Display on Mobile!

I recently started a website using a trendy template on Blogger. It looks pretty good on my computer, but when I check it on my phone, the layout isn't great.

The weird thing is, when I scroll around, I can see a web version that actually looks good on mobile. Is there any way I can make this web version the default for mobile users?

I'm not too tech-savvy, so if anyone has any simple solutions or tips, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks in advance.

Heyy! Your post totally vibes with me. I'm introverted irl but super extro online lol. I don't read much but I love playin' basketball and football, and I'm a tech nerd.

It's awesome seein' someone else dealin' with life's ups and downs. If you wanna chat about books,tech or just shoot the breeze, hit me up!

Peace out! 🤙